Chapter 3

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"Mom, I'm going out!" you said as you waved at your mother, ready to leave.

"There's a storm outside sweetheart, I don't think that you should–"

The door clacked before your mother could end her sentence.

You were walking on the empty streets—the people were probably locked up at home, waiting for the storm to end. As weird as it seems, you enjoyed storms ; they looked so beautiful to you. You loved the sound of the rain falling on the ground, and the bright blue lightnings colouring the dark sky.

But this storm wasn't natural at all.

You suddenly heard a few loud yells. You looked up, and what you saw surprised you. A lot.

You saw a girl wearing a red suit dotted with black spots, a blond boy wearing cat ears and a black leather suit, and a purple haired girl, holding a dark blue umbrella.

They were all up in the sky, but only the purple haired girl wasn't actually falling—the two others were ready to hit the ground.

You blinked a few times and shrugged, as you peacefully continued your walk. That's normal.

The two weird-dressed persons (well, they were all weird-dressed but you know what I mean) fell on the ground—the purple haired girl approached them, and opened her umbrella, causing a burst of wind, brutally pushing the two others away.

"Maybe I should help them." you thought as you watched the scene playing in front of you, your face inexpressive as ever.

"Hey, umbrella girl!" you shouted, waving at the purple haired girl. "You shouldn't pick on some weak children." you continued, as you pointed to the two persons on the ground. "Pick on someone your own size." you then pointed to yourself, slowly walking up to the angry purple haired girl.

"My name is Climatika," she yelled, "and you're interrupting me." She attempted to open her umbrella, but widened her eyes, seeing that you stopped her.

You placed your hand on the umbrella before she could even open it—Climatika put all her strength into her hand, desperately trying to open it ; but your grip was really tight.

"You can't do anything without your umbrella, right? You don't have any super strength or anything, do you?" you asked bluntly, as you stared at her furious expression.

"Let me give you back your umbrella, then." you whispered.

You pulled onto the umbrella, and snatched it away from her hands. Before she could do anything else, you punched her with the umbrella's ferrule—she immediately fell on the ground.

"Hey, please give me the umbrella!" the girl dressed in red gave you a sweet smile as she stood up.
"Tch, you could at least thank me!" you grumbled as you pouted, throwing the umbrella to the girl. Then, you realised something—you already saw this girl and her friend somewhere.
"Wait, are you Ladybug?!" you asked, remembering that you read something about her in a journal.

Before the girl could answer, the blond boy next to her grunted, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"What about me?" he complained.
"Ah, yeah... You're that cat." you mumbled as you didn't even glance at him.

Ladybug broke the weird girl's umbrella, and a black butterfly got out of it ; the insect got into Ladybug's yoyo, and when it came out, it was completely white.

A smug smile was plastered on your face, as you whispered some incomprehensible words to yourself.

Ladybug gazed at you for a moment and then smiled.

"Thank you," she said, before running away and disappearing behind a building.

You moved your [E/C] eyes to meet with green ones.

"Yeah, thank you, mon ange." Chat Noir said, grabbing your hand and kissing the back of it.

You blinked, and waited for him to let go of your hand.

"You're welcome, dude." you happily said, ruffling his blond hair. You then turned around to see a blonde girl lying down, at the place where Climatika was just a few minutes ago—you ignored her and started to make your way back home.

"[Name]! I was so worried! Where were you?!"

You nervously smiled as your mother scolded you.

"Sorry, mom..." you murmured as you closed the door behind you, "Where are Yuu and Mika?" you asked, noticing that the cats were nowhere to be seen.

"Uh... They're probably hiding somewhere, doing weird things together."

You laughed a bit, and walked up to your room. As your mother said, they were hiding, under your bed, doing weird things together.
"WHY ARE YOU TWO DOING THAT IN MY ROOM?! GET THE FUCK OUT!" you screamed, pushing them out of your room.

You let yourself fall onto the bed, and stared at the palm of your hand—you had a small, but deep cut on it.

"I probably held the umbrella too tightly."

I fell in love with a Cat (Chat Noir X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant