night of the dead

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"Nacht der Untoten..."
"What you jus' say Jay? Sounded German or summin,"
The roar of the plane engines almost engulfed their words. An almost deafening rattle of screws gave me an unsettling feeling that made me shiver.
"Yeah, it is German. Means 'night of the dead,'"
"We might join them if this fog doesn't clear..." I chipped in.
Bill the co-pilot nodded in agreement. "Reports say that a fight broke out here, between Russian and SS forc- Oh shit! Tree!"
Almost instantly a branch intruded the cockpit, killing the pilot instantly. Our plane wrapped and twisted in unimaginable ways. The fusalage was torn in half. Everything went black...

As I came round, my head was throbbing. Where was I, Germany? Sounded right. 1945. Dr Maxis. 115. 935. What were these? And who was Dr Maxis? Looking around I saw hardly anything because of a heavy shroud of fog.
"Henry! thank god you're alive! Phil and jay are in the bunker just south of here an-" I cut him off
"Jared... what were in the boxes, on the plane?"
"Something we salveged from the Der Riese facility... Why do you care? let's head inside: you probably hit you're head,"

Inside the bunker was cold, damp and smelly: a putrid mixture of decomposing corpse and rat droppings. It was fairly obvious the bunker had seen its fair share of action. Its concrete was missing in places, leaving the steel tubes which supported it to show as a sad reminder of what used to reside there. it was spit into 3 rooms: two down stairs and one upstairs. Every entrance we boarded up. I was on lookout for the night when I saw something shambling towards us.
"hello?; I called out into the mist. No reply. I tried again. "Hello? Are you okay?" Same result. As it got closer I saw pale, almost grey skin, and glowing yellow eyes. I brought up my pistol, sweat pouring down my face. "I'm warning you!" This time it replied: an in human screem that sent shivers down my spine. i squeezed the trigger of my M1911 colt and watched in dismay as the bullet was absourbed by him. I emptied my clip into it, and I was relived to see it drop. This was really creepy...

"Guys! wake up! there's somethings out there, coming closer towards us!" I described it to them the best I could. As the last sound died, I collapsed...

"Yes... You will sufice. I believe you know me but let me jog your memory: my name is Dr Maxis, and I will tell you what were in those crates..." He had a thick German accent."...My research. On the year of 1917 I, along with a man called Richoften (as well as others) formed 'Group 935' to learn more about history. However I was fascinated by the trenches of the French front. As we were digging in the area, I found a mysterious object. I touched it and I was given a power. power from what I call 'Element 115' .I was possessed by it, and it was driving me insane. Richoften was worried I was dying: so he removed my brain in hopes of keeping 'me' alive. Now German soldiers were digging in the site... until one soldier saw a figure shambling towards him. before long most of the men were confirmed dead or M.I.A. This is where Group 935 found out some extremely interesting information. 115 can re-animate the dead. Before long every soldier was a 'zombie',but Richtofeten escaped with my conscious. Group 935 was disbanded, partly due to this failure, and Germany loosing the first world war...
"However when World war 2 was on the horizon, the Nazi party reformed Group 935 to use the element 115 to create the ' wonder weapon scheme'. Hence forth the wonderwaffe Dg2. You find this, and we all can go home...

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