Chapter 2

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Jada's POV

We got to the hotel and Harry brought my bags up for me.

"Okay so when do I meet my tour guide?" I asked.

"That would be me" he said smiling.

He had a really pretty smile.

"Oh. Okay. Haha." I said awkwardly.

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow." he said.

He seems really nice and he's really that bad looking.

NO! I can't start liking him! I have John.



Harry's POV

After leaving Jada's hotel last night I thought about how awkward she seemed when I told her I was her tour guide. I didn't think it was even a big deal.

I left my house around nine in the morning to get to her hotel around nine thirty. When I arrived she was about to get into the shower, but she invited me in anyways.

About fifteen minutes later she came out of the shower in a pair of shorts a t-shirt and her hair was in a bun.

"Ah....Hello?" She asked me.

"Huh?" I guess I was focused on her attire and the way that her face looked perfect without makeup I became completely zoned out.

"I said, can we get something to eat. I'm absolutely starving."

"Oh. Yeah sure, let's go." is all that I could say.


Jadas POV

We left my hotel room at nine fifty and went to a small breakfast diner about two blocks away.

"The food here is amazing." He said as he ordered.

I had no clue what to get so I just ordered the same as him. And he was right, the food there was amazing.

After we left the diner we went to the shops.

"Whats your favorite thing to do here?" I ask him hoping to learn about him.

"I usually like to go to the lake during the summer." He answers quickly.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I yell louder than intended.


Harry's POV

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She yelled.

"Well you are here to do the things you like to do. Not me. Besides, we have a very specific time limit." I say, which obviously doesn't seem to phase her.

"Well I want to go to the lake so let's go!"

"Fine." I say happier than I'm putting off.

We arrive to the lake and she immediately jumps into the cold water while I take my time and slowly walk in.

"Oh come on! Don't be such a baby!" She giggles.

I can tell she is more loose than I am. But I don't let her phase me.


Jada's POV

"Your putting yourself through more pain by going in slowly than just taking it all in at once!" I say hoping to convince him.

"Are you telling me how to give a blow job or how to get into the water?" He laughs.

My face blushed and I ignored the comment.

Next thing I know he pulls his shirt off and dives into the water. Luckily I got a good look at his body before he went under and he definitely isn't bad looking.

"See it's no so bad." I say moving closer than expected.

"I guess not." He says with his cheeks flushed.

I get out if the water and lay out about an hour later and he surprisingly gets out with me.

"So have you had fun in Britain so far?" He asks with his sexy body and wet hair dripping on my arm.

Wait, no John.

I have John.

"Yeah, it's really fun here." I say as we get awkwardly close to each other.

"Jada I have something to say." He says shyly.

"Yes?" I eagerly ask.

"When I came to the airport yesterday I wasn't really paying attention and then I looked up and I saw you and thought that you were..."

He stopped.

Why did he stop?

Not like I care.

"I was..."

"I-I forgot." He lies.

We get a little bit closer as our lips almost touch. When we here my ringtone go off.

"Hi honey hows London?" My mom almost screams into the phone.

"It's good mom, I'm having a lot of fun." I smile as I say my words.

"That's great sweetheart. What are you doing?"

"Oh, ya know, I'm just hanging out with my tour guide." I say trying to find my words.

"Oh okay well then I'll let you get back to it." She says, still screaming.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too honey, bye."

I locked my phone and put it back in my bag. When I looked up and saw Harry standing in front of me.


Harry's POV

"Are you ready to go?" I ask trying to act like nothing happened.

"Um, yeah I guess." She says sounding a little unsure.

When we get into the car the ride is very silent.

Finally she breaks it instead if me, I wouldn't have know what to say.

"I had a lot of fun today."

"I thought you would, even though going to the lake definitely wasn't something I thought you would want to do." I tease.

"Usually I'm not much of a lake person because in America they are so filthy, but i am trying to have as much fun as I can."

Right when the conversation ends, we show up to the hotel.

"Bye." She says in a very girly tone.

"Bye." I say mocking her.

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