Curiosity Killed the Cas

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This is my first fan fiction, so just tell me what you guys think, thanks.

I don't own Supernatural or any of its characters.


Third person's
*"Wait, so you're telling me that you won't just take my soul? God damn, you demons are some greedy sons of bitches you know that?" Dean said to the crossroad demon standing in front of him. "Oh, Dean, you just don't understand do you? Your brother is a very important soul to have control over. A Winchester! You don't know how happy that makes the boss, one less notorious hunter off our asses, like we're really going to trade one for one." The demon said.

"So, what, you're just going to deny a deal so you can keep one hunter off? What's the point in it? It'd be the same either way."

"Well then why make the deal if it wouldn't make a difference?" Dean was beginning to get aggravated at the way she was beating around the bush at something but couldn't quite understand what it was yet. "Don't act so confused, sugar, I think you know what I want." Dean, still clueless, began to stalk away, "The girl"

He stopped in his tracks and slightly looked over his shoulder at the amused demon, "Why give up one for one when I can get two from the deal?" at that he spun to look at her in the eyes and growled "No. You can't have her, and you never will." Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by the voice of a woman behind them. "I'll do it." Dean spun again and saw his sister standing in the middle of the road her determined blue eyes were set on the demon.

"Rose-", he began but was cut short as she walked closer to them "One year no sooner, no later, Sam stays safe." Rose stated ignoring her brother. "Are you sure?" the demon looked at her cautiously as though she was setting up a humourless joke. "No! No, she's not sure! Rose you can't-", she cut him off again "You were going to, and she wasn't going to do it! Dean, this is the only way to save Sam, you know that! Just let me help." She whispered the last part to him and he stared knowing he was defeated; she turned back to the demon "Do we have a deal?"

The demon stepped closer and tilted her head to the side "If either on you try to weasel out of this you all die, Understand?" Rose looked to Dean who was still shocked at her then she looked back and nodded "Yes, we understand."*

Chapter One

I greedily gasped for air as I woke and looked for something that would hint as to where I was but was only met with darkness, I reached in my pocket for a lighter and found a single match, "Great" I muttered and reached for something to light it on, I found a rough surface below me, and above me, and around me, confused, I lit the match and saw the inside of a box.

I hit the top of it with the bottom of my palm and nothing happened, suddenly enjoying my small size I twisted so my legs could hit the wood above me and dirt slammed against my body. Finally getting out of the ground I looked around noticing the trees around where I was buried were blown back and all lying on their sides.

"Rose?" a raspy voice called out, I quickly turned around and tried to grab for the gun that was no longer in the back of my waist band until I noticed who it was, "Dean?" My brother was standing not two feet away from me, obviously in the same situation I was in. I looked him up and down trying to make sure it was really him when he reached out and grabbed my wrist pulling me in tight to his chest hugging the air from my lungs.

"Alright now, don't get all lovey dovey on me now" I joked but hugged him back. "God am I glad to see you somewhere other than The Pit" he said in a grainy voice, I pushed him back "Come on, let's find our way home" I replied in a voice almost the same as his. "Rosy?" he pulled me back his eyes set into mine with confusion and surprise, "What?" I asked stepping away from his oddly close stare. "We need to find you a mirror" was all he said his face getting serious as he tugged me after him.

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