Smith x Reader CHRISTMAS!

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For SandraHofman <3 I hope you like it and this is what you had in mind 

You blinked lazily as the coffee machine beeped at you. Oh yeah, coffee. Coffee for two. On Christmas Morning. So festive. You took the mug from under the machine, grabbing the other from the counter top, also filled with freshly brewed coffee. Slowly, you walked down the hallway of your shared flat towards the door at the end which you knocked open using your hip. Using your elbow (because, obviously, your hands are full), you turned on the light to the bedroom, earning a groan of disapproval from the man lying in the bed.

"Yeah yeah, your tired, I get it" you answered the groan, shuffling onto the bed next to the man. As you got closer, the man in the bed pulled the duvet down from around his face as he rolled onto his back.

"You don't understand..." he whined, throwing his arms dramatically over his eyes as if that would help in this situation. "I was working yesterday" he pouted.

You sighed, "well yeah, but I have been up to make you coffee... It isn't even 11 am yet! I shouldn't be awake!" When you mentioned coffee, Alex, the man in the bed, instantly stopped whining about how tired he was and moved his arm, looking up at you through sleepy eyes. Adorable. If a puppy got turned into a human, it would look like a sleepy Alex Smith. With his bad bed hair, his scruffy yet somewhat tidy beard, his scrunched up nose (he always did it in the morning, as if his nose didn't want to wake up) and his large and gentle eyes. 

He sat up, smiling at you. He took a mug from you, taking a long sniff of the contents before having a small sip of the coffee. "Mnn..." he mumbled happily, "I've never been woken up on Christmas morning with a nice cup o' Jo!" He laughed at his own joke, tilting his head back as he chuckled. 

"Don't... Don't call coffee 'cup o' Jo' again..." You scolded, although it wasn't serious s both you and Alex knew, seeming as you were holding back a grin.

"I always call my coffee 'cup o' Jo', what you talking about?" He laughed again, obviously making a joke out of this, "are you telling me to change?"

"When have you ever called your coffee that?" You questioned "this conversation doesn't count," you added with raised eyebrows when you saw Alex about to answer.

"Well... That one time... You know..." Alex pouted again, obviously trying to think of one moment.

"Exactly," you said smugly, taking a satisfied sip from your coffee.

Of course, Smith didn't want to admit defeat, "you know what" he said as he reached onto the night stand and grabbed his phone, quickly putting in the passcode, "I'm going to call my mum. She'll know!"

"Smithy, don't be stupid," you groaned, using your free hand to reach towards Smiths phone.

"No no no, I want to know," he looked down at his phone, scrolling through the contacts. Before he was able to call his mum, you grabbed the phone out of his hand. "Hey!" he looked up in both shock and amusement as you held his phone out of reach.

"Your mum doesn't need you  calling her right now!" You answered back, smirking at him. "She's probably getting dinner ready."

Smith rolled his eyes but grinned, "fine, I'll ask her when we go other to hers!"


I hope this is okay (??) as I have never written an x reader before. I didn't specify a gender so you guys can put yourselves in this if you wish and please take this as a late Christmas/Sorry gift. I didn't want to put it as a romance in case people wanted it as a friendship thing so hope you enjoy


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