Cupcake Eating a Cupcake

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Harry was scrolling down on his and Zayn's pictures on his laptop. There were lots of them, mostly silly faces. He would laugh at some then he would start crying again.

"Harry stop that!" Niall scolded and strode towards Harry to shut the laptop down making Harry whine.

Harry has been moping around in his room back at his parent's house. He stayed at Louis for a couple of days before his Mom and Dad came to fetch him. They insisted that he should come back at their house and that they missed their only child. So Harry agreed.

Harry's parents have been pampering their only child non-stop with Anne cooking him delicious foods every mealtime and Des giving him gifts everyday to cheer him up. Harry actually missed these times where he is a spoiled brat and his parents would give him everything.

It's only been a week and Harry already missed Zayn so much. Though Harry wanted to give himself time and space. He thinks they both needed it.

He decided to scroll down on their pictures. All of it are happy moments so he kept asking himself, what went wrong? Was it him?

"Niall, was it me? Was I boring and awkward?" Harry asks.

Niall leaned towards Harry and hugged him. He hold unto his shoulders and looked at him in the eyes. "Harry, for billionth time! It's not you! You can be stupid and annoying but –"

Harry started tearing up.

"Geez! Harry I didn't mean to say you're stupid and annoying! I'm just not good with comforting words, okay! I meant you're—you're whatever! But Harry you're very kind and sweet, and beautiful." Niall exclaimed.

"You're beautiful but messy!" Niall continued as he motioned to Harry's room and to Harry's appearance. "Look at your room! There are sweets everywhere. Do you want ants to come crawling on your pretty skin? And cupcakes? Really Harry!? You're like a cupcake eating a cupcake!"

"But I love cupcakes!" Harry argues and pouted at Niall as the Irish lad is kicking his scattered socks.

"I know cupcake! You love cupcakes that's why you're such a cupcake."

"You make no sense, Niall."

"I'm not the one moping in my room." Niall countered playfully but his eyes landed on what Harry was wearing. He furrowed his brow. "What the hell! Why on earth are you wearing Zayn's sweater?"

Harry shrugged, "I like the smell."

"Gaaah! You're hopeless!"

Harry pouted and Niall rolled his eyes and pulled Harry up. "C'mon, get in the shower and we are going out."

"But Niiii!" Harry whined.

"Get in the shower!" Niall scolded but he smiled when Harry complied.

. . .

Zayn' heart was beating like crazy and his mind was on rage. He is mad and he is trying so hard to control his anger. He looked at his surroundings he didn't like it, he feels sick to his stomach and he hated himself for what he was about to do the last time he was here. He didn't want to be here again but he needs to fix this once and for all.

"Hi, babe!" Zayn cringed at the high pitch voice of Lennox. She is about to hug him but stopped when she noticed his glare.

"Don't call me babe!" Zayn said through gritted teeth.

"What are you on about? Why are you mad? Zayn I know you just broke up with your boyfriend for me. He can't pleasure you as much as I do anyway. Do you want to fuck?" She flirted.

Zayn can't believe what he was hearing. His fist is clenching and he really wants to beat her right now. But Zayn would never do that. He would never hurt a woman so he composed himself.

"You're crazy if you think I'll ever have sex with you! I don't want you coming to my studio again! You understand! Whatever business plans we had it's over. Don't come around ever again." Zayn stated and started walking out of the room but Lennox held on his hand.

Zayn just shook her off.

"Zayn you can't just leave me hanging! We were having a good time. Harry was just one stupid phase in your life. I love you Zayn and I know that you love me too!" She said pathetically.

Lennox stepped closer to Zayn and was about to kiss him but Zayn stopped her.

"No! Listen Lennox. I don't love you. And I don't want to fuck you, you make me sick! I can't believe I almost slept with you. Good thing I came back to my senses and realized the bitch that you are! And I'm an asshole too for ruining my relationship with my fiancé. But I'm done with you. Don't ever talk to me again. Don't ever show your face to me. Don't text me. Don't talk about me. AND DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HARRY LIKE THAT AGAIN! Harry is not a stupid phase in my life. I love him. He is my life. HE IS EVERYTHING YOU'RE NOT!"

Zayn walked out of the room not waiting for her response. He wouldn't care anyway.

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