Rap Mon x Reader

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Hello everyone~

Thanks for 200 reads! I know my fan fics suck lol im not a very good writer at all but i try to make my fanfics interesting and fun to read anyway.

Anyway heres this Rap Mon fanfic redone because lets be honest, that last one sucked xD


   You were walking to...well you didnt really know where. You were just walking because it was really pretty out today. Especially with all the pretty snow! Each step you made there was a little crunching noice. You loved that sound. You looked up at the all white sky. A few snowflakes cam down and landed on your face. You wiped them away and stuck out your tounge tp try to catch some. A few landed on your tounge but soon after your face was more cold than before. The crisp cold air caused your nose to become red and you grabbed the collar of your coat and put it over your face.

   You grabbed your phone from your pocket and took off your glove. You opened it up to your music and flipped through all your music. Soon you finally found the song you wanted and you clicked on it and plugged in your headphones, putting the volume up really loud to block out all the other sounds. The song you were looking fore was 'Just One Day' by BTS. Your favorite boy group, and that somg is really romantic and really fits this scenery right now.


Before you knew it you were all they way across town so you decided to make your way back. You turned up the volume even louder and began to sing along to the song, even tho your rapping was not the best.

Bol ttaemada sumi makhyeo myeongdong georicheoreom~

Uriui bgmeun sumsori~

Nae ireumeul bulleojul ttaeui ni moksorie~

Jamgyeoseo nan suyeonghagopa neoreul jom deo algopa~

Neoran mijiui supeul gipi moheomhaneun tamheomga~

Neoran jakpume daehae gamsangeul hae, ~

Neoran jonjaega yesurinikka~

Ireoke maeil nan bamsaedorok sangsangeul hae, ~

Eochapi naegeneun muuimihan kkuminikka~

   You stopped singing and continued to walk, zoned out into the music, but you bumped into someone.

"Ouch..." You mummbled.

"Oh, sorry about that. Are you okay?"

"No its okay. It was my fault anyway." You said still looking down rubbing your elbow. 'Man that hurt' You thought. The man help a hand out infront of you, so you took it and thanked him.

"Im (y/n), and you are?" You said looking up. You gasped when you saw who he was. He was the Rap Monster from BTS!

"Your Rap Monster! From BTS!" You said exidedly.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "I heard you rapping back there you know?"

"Oh you did? I didnt realize i was that loud. Im not very good." You laughed, blushing slightly.

"No, your not that bad actually."

"Really? Thanks." You were blushing red now. After all Namjoon was your ultimate bias.

"Hey, how about we go to that coffee shop over there." He said pointing to a small coffee shop on the corner. "It will be my way of apoligizing to you. Plus i still have an hour until practice, so i have some time to kill."

"Really? But, it my fault, im the one who bumped into you." You giggled.

"Yeah, but i wasnt really paying attention either." He laughed.

"Sure, ill go with you."

"Good." He smiled and you started walking with him to the shop. You took out your phone and texted your mom that you were going to be a little late for dinner. He glanced down at you and laughed.

"What?" You asked.

"Nice background and keyboard you got there."

   You blushed remembering what your friend set them as yesterday. Your lockscreen background was Rap Mon winking and it was from the 'War Of Hormone' music video, your homescreen was one of his slefies, and your keyboard was his mixtape album cover. He just laughed at your reponse.

"We're here." He said and opened the door for you.

"Thank you." You mummbled.

"Lets go sit over there!" He said pulling you to a seat next to the window.

   You giggled and sat down. You kept glancing at him from behind your menu. Hes just so...perfect. You sighed. I swear ive imagined this same scenerio in my head a thousand times. You glanced back up at him again and he winked. You blushed and hid your face in your menu.

"Its not polite to stare (y/n)."

"S-sorry." You mumbled quietly.

   The waiter came to the table and asked what you wanted. Rap Mon just wanted water and i ordered some milk tea.

"Why did you want to come here if your only going to get a water?" You asked.

"I already told you, this is my way of apoligizing, plus i have about thirty minutes left to kill. And its not all that bad hanging out with a cute girl like yourself." He winked again.

"Oh, uh, thanks" you chuckled, your face flushed red.

"I should probably go. I still have to walk to practice."

"Oh, it was nice spending time with you Rap Mon!" You said happily, even though you were sad that it was the last actual human interaction youll ever happen with him. I mean yeah he does look good in HD on youtube, but thats not the same.

"You know this doesnt have to be the last time we see eachother right?" He asked. You just looked up at him and smiled.

"Let me see your phone."

You handed him your phone and he called his own from it. Then he handed it back.

"Save this number. Ill call you later (y/n)!" He winked and walked out of the shop.

You blushed madly and called your friend and told her what happened. Of course she was completely jealous and was mad, but it was totally worth it.


This one sucked toooooooooooooo!

Oh well *sigh*

I hoped you liked this!

Bye bye~

BTS X reader OSWhere stories live. Discover now