Chapter Fourteen.

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Dear Lauren,
     My mom made me feel like shit. She called me a slob and said I was disgusting. This makes me feel as if I'm not good enough for you. It sounds stupid but it makes me not want to tell you because I feel worthless.
You hurt, I hurt
You smile, I smile
You laugh, I'm on cloud nine
I love you is so much more when I say it to you.
How could someone hurt such a gentle soul? You're so sweet and kind I don't understand.
Everything hurts.
"Hey Mila!" Dinah says and puts her arm.

She dragged me out of the house to go shopping.

"Hey DJ," I reply half heartedly.

"What's wrong? Do I need to kill someone? I'm getting my cousins," she says and pulls out her phone.

"It's not that kind of hurt Dinah. I'm not even hurting for myself. It's Lauren," I say in one rushed breath.

"Lauren?" She asks. "What's wrong with her?"

"I don't understand how Luis could break her heart. She's so kind and passionate and gentle. It still hurts her and I don't know how to help her," I say to Dinah and tear up.

"You really love her don't you?" Dinah asks.

I nod my head and she pulls me in for a hug. We stand in the middle of the mall hugging while I cried for her.

"Why don't you just tell her?" Dinah asks.

"I'm not her type," I say bluntly and break from the hug abruptly.

"What? How could you not be her type? You're pretty, smart, caring, selfl-"

"I'm not a guy," I cut her off and walk into the nearest store.

"You never know Mila. Maybe she secretly likes girls," Dinah says as she combs through a nearby rack.

She holds up a pale yellow dress with black netting onto and little white and yellow flowers on the netting.

"Mila this would look perfect on you," Dinah says.

"Dinah what if I do tell her, she ends up feeling the same, and then we end up breaking up. I can't lose her. I don't want to ruin our friendship," I say completely brushing off Dinah's comment.

"Look chanch," she sighs and walks over to place her hand on my shoulder. "I can't promise that it's gonna be fine. But here I am if you're ready to try."

"Did you just..?" I start to ask but she shushes my by placing her finger on my lips.

"Now then, how about this dress?"
"Come on Mila. Let me do your make up. Your favorite person will be there," Dinah says.

"What? No, she's still in Cuba. She not coming home till the third," I say confused.

"Not that favorite person. Dorito boy," Dinah say with a smile. "And Lauren's flight got changed. Cuba is expecting a huge storm."

"Ugh ew. Why him?" I ask with an eye roll and sit on the bathroom counter.

"My mom said invite everyone from our class," she says and then mumbles something.

She pulls out the make up and gets started.
"Karla Camila Cabello. Sit still or I'm going to stab you," she says trying to hold my head down so she could put mascara on.

"But Dinah," I say dragging out her name. "Lauren texted me."

"Lauren isn't going to die in the thirty seconds it takes for me to put on mascara," she says.

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