A World That is Doomed

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10 things that is wrong with this world:
~the government
Discrimination~ is happening everywhere. People are getting bullied and divided up because of how they are. That's them so leave them the fuck alone. Here's a great example: a law almost got passed for men to marry men and women to marry women but the stupid president(Barack Obama) decided to deny it because it wasn't "right". Why can't people just marry or go out with whoever they want... Without getting treated like crap. That's what they want to do.
Bullies~are people who just don't care about other folks problems. People can get bullied so bad that they can't take it any more. So they just harm or kill themselves. How would you like it if you got bullied?
Pollution~ just ruins the world there's different kinds of pollution like: water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution,etc. But all of these are bad and can kill animals and make people sick.
People~ make this a crapy world to live in. This is the only home that we have we can't live on mars... as you can see. People are the suspects of murdering this planet. They pour things in the oceans, butcher animals, and processes fake food that we all eat...if you don't know this then you are completely oblivious. Open up your eyes. African Americans are getting arrested just because they wanted to go to a party. Just because they are a different color.
Murder~ doesn't solve anything. You shouldn't kill someone just cause you don't like them. I know some of you wanted to do that...but you can't. You cant take a fathers life away...children need a father figure.
Ungratefulness~Poverty-definition- the state of being extremely poor. People are complaining about how they don't have I phones but there's people out there that don't have food, family, or a home. You should be grateful for what you have. Would you rather have nothing or something? So dont be complaining.
Drugs~ what do they do for us? Nothing. Smoking marijuana or sniffing up cocaine does nothing for you. It just ruins your body and make you die faster same as for cigarettes. People say they do this crap because their stressed. Bull crap. If your stressed write or box.
Alcohol~the same thing as drugs doesn't help you in any way or form. It can split up a family. If you want to have a good time drinking isn't the solution. Just kick back and watch Netflix while eating everything that's in your kitchen. But drinking will f$!% you up.
Abuse~ One thing that happens all over is that kids, animals, and men/women get abused. They just get hit and beat. There are different forms of abuse like:physical abuse, mental abuse,neglect is also a form of abuse because your not paying attention/admiring your kids or animals it also can be not feeding your kids or animals. People can go to jail if you abuse your kids/animals. I remember one time I was watching Fox 10 news they were saying that a dog got shot and killed by a guy. I was like: What is this world coming to? I was sooooo mad.
Greed~definition-intense and selfish desire for something. There is a lot of greed in this world. People especially are greedy with money. Rich people think that they are better then everyone else just because they have nice things and money. These kind of people can't even donate to kids with cancer or other organizations. I'd rather have no money and be a good person then be rich and be a selfish person...just saying.
The Government~ they make all these stupid rules and they are also greedy with money. They are so greedy that they can't even give a little bit of money to schools. Most schools in the Peoria district have been using the same books for at least 6 years and by then the books are already falling apart. Another thing is that they are making the school that I go to take a citizenship test. Only eighth graders have to take it but if you don't pass it that year you have to keep taking it until you pass it. By the way there are 100 questions on that stupid test.

Well thats all I have to say about how this world is going to an end. This is my first time writing something this long so I hope you guys like it. This text may be offensive to some people but they will just have to get over it...because its true. Thanks!!!!!!✌

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