Chapter 1 A Guest?

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"Sans! Where's my book!" You sighed in frustration as you rummaged around your room for your book. "Sans!" You yelled again hoping you would get a response this time.

Oh god oh god oh god. What if I never find it?

"Woah woah. Chill out (Y/N)."

You whipped around to see Sans standing in your door frame. "Sans." You said in surprise, not expecting him to actually show up.

"I have it right here." Sans held out a book he was holding.

You quickly grabbed the leathery book and hugged it to your chest like it was your life source. "You didn't look in it did you?" You asked while evilly glaring at him.

"Hey. If I looked in it I would probably be laughing my bones off." Sans said attempting a pun but sort of failing.

"More like cry your eyes out." You whispered under your breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Nothing. You should probably check on Papyrus."

"Good idea." Sans walked off.

You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. "Thank god he didn't read it." You said aloud to yourself.

The book you held wasn't really a diary, but more like just your life story written on pages. You lay on your stomach on your bed and put some of your (H/C) hair behind your ear before opening the book. You found a pen next to you. You opened the book to the first empty page you found. You began to write.

Living with Sans and Papyrus is going pretty smoothly, but hiding this book is becoming not so easy. I don't want them to know how my life was before I found them. I don't want anyone to know really. I need to find out a way to hide it for good.

You finished writing and closed the book. Getting up, you slid the book under your bed and continued on to walk downstairs.

You found Papyrus and Sans sitting on the couch and proceeded to sit next to Sans. "What's up?" You asked.

"Well Human." Papyrus said.

"Due to an incident or something, someone is going to stay with us." Sans finished.

Your mouth was a gap. "W-what?" You asked a little shocked by what they just said. "There's someone else coming here?"

They nodded in agreement.

"Oh god." Was your only response before you stood up. "I'm gonna go to bed." Walking upstairs, you let out a sigh of nervousness.

Not bothering to change into night clothes you lay on your bed. You quickly fell asleep.


"(Y/N). Wake up."

Your eyes opened to see Sans standing in your doorway as usual. "What." You groaned sleepily.

"Our guest is here. Be down in 3 minutes." He then left to leave you to get ready.

You threw the covers off of you and you went to your closet. You put on your favorite outfit and proceeded to brush your teeth and hair.

Finished, you walked downstairs.

This is going to be interesting.

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