Chapter 4 Someones Here?

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AN: I have to make up some names for this chapter. One of them will be from your mind. But two of them will be from me.

"Hello?" You asked.

"What's up baby doll."

"Ugh. Lance. I told you last time not to call me anymore after what you did to me."

"After doing what?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I thought we had something Lance. You told me you loved me. We were a thing. Even when I left, you said you would still always love me. Until I found out that you cheated on me with some slut!"

"Woah. Who told you that? I mean-"

"(Y/F) (your friend) told me because she actually cares about people's feelings!"

"Baby doll wait."

"Goodbye Lance! Hopefully forever!" You ended the call and groaned in rage and frustration.

You went through your contacts and called

"(Y/N)! Am I glad to hear from you. I was beginning to worry that you lost your phone or something." She answered happily.

"Not the fact that I could have been dead?"

"Nope. Anyways, listen. You know Even, the boy from school?"

"Yeah. The one I haven't talked to in several years."

"Well. I recently found out that he really likes you, and has for a long time."

"R-really?" You said blushing a little, due to the fact that you liked him.

"I can see the blush on your face (Y/N). Anyways, Even disappeared. About a couple days ago."

"What?!" Your heart seemed to stop.

"Yeah. I thought he was just really sick. I went to his house and his mother told me that he was missing. That he had went hiking somewhere and never came back. Doesn't that sound similar to something?"

"Oh. My. God. Are you saying that... That Even could be here in... In the..."

"Yes. Yes I am."

"I've gotta go talk to Sans. Bye."


You ended the call and raced towards Sans room. You barged in and found that he wasn't there. You raced downstairs and saw Sans talking to Papyrus.

"Sans!" You practically yelled to get his attention. Your breathing was heavy as Sans turned towards you.

"Woah. You look like you've been through something kid."

"Sans. We need to talk." You stated bluntly.

"Alright. Whatever."

You pulled Sans upstairs and into your room. He stood as you sat on your bed. "Sans. I think a human is down here."

"Another one?"

"Yeah. I know him too."

"Oh great. Another one to look after. As if ones not good enough."

"Hey! I am not that bad!" You yelled in protest.

"I'm kidding kid. Relax. I'll try to talk to Toriel about it."

"Thank you Sans. I'm gonna get some fresh air." You said. Sans went to his room, while you went outside.

You observed the area as you walked along the path. Trees surrounded you as you walked.


You looked around and saw someone come out of the woods. "Oh my god. Even?"

Glamorous Love (Mettaton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now