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AN: hey guys! so before you read this story, my main character emma is based off of andrea, just because they have like cute couple pics online and everything, and i love her style and she's gorgeous :) tbh i miss kiandrea but anyways... the way my character acts may not always be how andrea is irl so don't get butt hurt if she does something stupid :p (it's just a story) but yea hope you guys like my fanfic!!

i have always had a fear of flying. ever since i was 5 planes have been my one true fear. there's something about the environment that makes me sick. maybe it's because i do it 24/7, but that's my fault.

my mother and father split when i was around 4, and my mom took my brother jc all the way across the country to california, where as im stuck in stupid new york. i never understood why she took him so far away until now. my father is a drunk, and quite frankly i wouldn't want to be around him either. that's why im on planes so much. i decided it's better than spending my time at our stupid apartment. but, i am actually kind of excited because this will be my last ride for a while. i convinced my mom to let me move in with her and jc in their house with my new stepdad. i will be enrolled in a high school close to the house and my mom said its a really great one, even jc went there! gosh i can't wait to see him every single day. this will be a total new experience.

but before i can get too excited, i still have to ride a plane one last time.

i arrive at the airport at 12:30 and go straight to check in. after everything's all sorted out, i sit down and check my phone. it's only 1:45, so i still have 45 minutes until my flight.

i may hate planes, but i definitely don't hate airports. adventuring is so fun even though i have been in this one several times. i always find something new that interests me. i even like talking to strangers that i see and they share their stories with me. this one time, i met an old lady who looked incredibly worried. she explained to me that she was waiting for her sons airplane to land and she hadn't seen him for quite some time since he joined the military. after about 10 minutes of us talking, i see her face light up and as she stood up, tears streamed down her face. i turned around and saw a man standing there with the happiest smile on his face. he ran over and hugged her. it was so cute.

this time, i decided to get my daily coffee at starbucks. after i order and im waiting for my drink, i open my phone and go on twitter. i look at my time line and even retweet some things before i tweet.

@emcaylen: in the airport dreadfully waiting for my flight #killmeplease 🔪✈️

just as im pressing send, i hear my name being called by the barista. i pick up my drink and get on with exploring.

this time while im walking down the main hallway, i spot a magazine rack next to this little popcorn stand and i decide to take a look. walking over to the rack, i place my drink on the table next to it and start browsing the shelves. once i find a teen vogue issue i like, i take it out but me being the clumsy person i am, i made at least 5 magazines tumble to the ground. i groan and bend down slowly gathering them all together when i see a pair of sneakers right in my view. i look up and see a boy with medium brown hair, and brown eyes just like it. he smiles and his teeth were so perfectly white and straight. he giggles, and i realized i had been staring at him for about a minute.

"sorry," i say standing up and fixing my sweatshirt. how embarrassing. i was standing in front of a really hot guy, spilled everything on the floor, and was in sweats. great going emma, i tell myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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