Music blast through the ear buds as Sandra sat in her english class next to Johanna and Thomas as boy who always jokes around with her. They were allowed to listen to music so Sandra blasted the Simple Plan music as she studied her person. She was studying Jared Leto who is a singer, director, and actor. Sandra hummed along with the music as the bell rang. She packed her things and walked out the door with Mala who was another one of her friends (they barely hung out anymore though.
"So My biography is about a transgender girl."
"Mine is About Jared Leto.""Cool. Hey can I borrow your phone?" She asked as they arrived at Sandra's locker. Suddenly Thomas came over (his locker was next to hers).
"Come on we have to get to the chopper." he said with he best terminator voice which always annoyed Sandra."Shut up."
"Never!" He said as he grabbed his stuff and left. Suddenly Mike (another old friend of Sandra's) ran over and started screaming which scared Sandra.
"HAHAHA EVERY TIME!" He yelled as Eli walked over and her, Sandra, and Mala started to walk to their after school writing club which they have almost every monday.
"She is talking with Mike, Mala, and Eli again." A male scienctist spoke as the head leader walked over with her heals clicking at the ground.
"Monday correct?"
"Then it makes sense. Im starting to get a hang of this pattern of hers. It helps. It helps lets us know whats going to happen and when." The head scientist said as she looked at Sandra and sighed.
"Sandra dear please wake up."
Random"She seems to have made up this 'friends'" "She thinks she is living like a normal human." "We need to wake her up." "But how...." Sandra was in a mental hospital. She thought she was in a normal life with her best friends when really scientists ar...