CHAPTER 1: It Begins

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When I woke up I didn't remember much other than the fact that I was not meant to be here. Wherever here is. I later realized I didn't even remember my own name, or anything about myself. All I knew was that this small room with a door made of bars couldn't be my home. This place didn't really seem familiar, but then again nothing does. Slowly I sat up off of the cold dark floor and brushed my light brown hair out of my green eyes.

"So I see you're finally awake newbie, what are you in for?" A voice asked.

I turned around quickly to see a guy who looked quite young, probably sixteen or seventeen sitting on a wooden bench. The bench was held to the wall with chains. The guy was tall and thin, with dark brown hair, green eyes full of mischief, and a strong looking face making him look older than he was.

"My name's Tanner, what's yours?" He asked.

"I have no idea, I don't remember anything really."

Suddenly a gruff voice shouted "Cell inspection prisoners B and J!"

"Just so you know, I'm prisoner J, you're prisoner B." Tanner whispered in a panicked voice.

"And that means.... what exactly?" I asked.

"That you get to meet my least favorite person ever."

The man who walked into the cell was mid height and fat, with black receding hair, and cruel blue eyes.

"What are you staring at maggot?" He asked me.

"I thought I was prisoner B." I responded quickly.

"Are you being a smart Alec to me maggot?"

"I may not know anything but I do know my name isn't Alec, and I'm pretty sure I'm a person not a maggot."

By now Tanner was giving me a look that clearly said "shut up or you'll regret it" but I didn't care I was having fun with this guy who seemed to think he was better than me.

"You are what I say you are maggot, this is my prison my rules. Do you understand?" He yelled.

"No not really could you explain it to me in great detail?" I asked.

"I swear maggot one more smart Alec comment and you are going to wish you had never said a word to me." He said.

"How about instead of maggot you call me supreme overlord and ruler of everything, I would prefer that name." I said.

Without responding he swung his fist at my face. Before I even knew what was happening the world seemed to almost slow down and I could instantly see what to do and how to do it. Quickly I reached out grabbed his fist and swung his arm behind him pinning him to the wall of the cell.

"Prisoner B you're doing to regret this." He said as I pressed his face against the wall.

"Freeze." I heard someone say.

Then before I could say anything I felt an electric shock hit my back and everything went black.

I woke up when an object hit me in the head, I looked up to see a tray of food sitting in front of me.

"Are you going to eat that?" Tanner said gesturing towards my whole tray.

"No, I'm not eating the tray but I will eat the food on it. You're welcome to eat the tray after I finish my food." I said. "So why don't you tell me a bit about yourself, after all we are cell mates might as well get to know one another."

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

"Well since I know your name, how old are you?" I asked.

"Sixteen the same as everyone else in this place." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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