Just A Walk

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The sound of your door bell ringing filled the almost empty house, telling you that someone was here to visit. Running to the door, you unlock it and slowly open it to see who it was. Your heart almost flew out of your chest when you saw Norway standing there. Trying to hold in a blush (which is completely impossible by the way) you smile casually and wave.

"Hi Norway! Why are you here so late?"

Norway looked at you with a poker face expression before grabbing your hand delicately, making your head spin.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to take a walk with me. It is nice out tonight."

Peering outside, you smirk at how refreshing the slight breeze was. Slipping on your sandals you walk outside with him, picking up your keys from near the door before shutting and locking the door. His hand still in yours, you grip it ever so slightly.

"Sure! A walk sounds nice."

Norway nodded then started to walk down the silent sidewalk, still holding your hand. You could feel a blush creep sneakily onto your cheeks as you felt his hand grip yours. 'I can't believe he's holding my hand!!' You yell inside your head as you feel the urge to skip, but decide against it.

"Hey __________."

Glancing over at Norway, you find your eyes locked in his gaze. You blushed a slightly darker pink at having his faded blue eyes looking into yours. Letting go of your hand Norway walks along next to you, now staring at the night sky.

"What do you think of my little brother?"

Your eyebrows arched in confusion, your joy slightly disappearing at the question. 'He doesn't think I like his brother... does he?' You ask yourself as you frown a bit before answering his question.

"I think he's really nice. He can be a bit stubborn sometimes, but I still like him. Why?"

"Oh... Alright. I was just wondering."

Norway stared into the open sidewalk in front of you two for a while before speaking again.

"How about Denmark and the others?"

Your eyes widen at the really weird question.

"I like everyone Norway. You already know that."

You both walked onto a small bridge connecting your side of the small creek with the other. The moon light reflected off of the trickling creek, showing its pale face on its surface. Going over to one side, you two lean over the edge and admire the moon's reflection in the water. Norway took a deep breath before turning to face you.

"Then.... What do you think of me?"

You had to replay his words in your head really quick before answering.

"What I think of you?"

Norway nodded, a poker face still planted on him. You hesitate for a second before stuttering something as you blushed.

"I-I think I should go back! Y-You know.... I-It is g-getting late and-"

Norway grabbed you around your waist and pulled you close to his warm body, blocking any way for you to escape. Your blush raged at being so close to the man you loved so much. Leaning closer to your lips, Norway stared deeply into your (e/c) eyes.

"What do you think of me _____?"

Norway stated in a very calm tone. You remove your gaze from his faded blue eyes and laugh sheepishly.

"W-Well..... I.... I like you."

Closing his eyes, Norway slowly started to close the space between your lips and his. 'W-What's happening!?' You think to yourself before adding something to the comment you made.

"J-Just like everyone else! I l-like you the same as every....everyone else..."

Norway immediately paused his actions at the finish of your sentence, your lips just about to touch. Pulling back slowly, he let go of your waist and started to form a bit of distance between you two. You stared at him, your face still tomato red. 'Why did I say that!? I just lied!! STUPID!!' You screamed in your head. Norway kept his gaze on the ground for a few minutes before looking up and into your eyes. When his eyes met yours, you could tell that they looked depressed and rejected. Slowly his poker face started to crumble away, allowing you to read what he was thinking clearly. Norway turned his head to the side, removing his eyes from your own.

"We should go back now. It's getting late."

As he walked past you, you could feel your heart ripping itself apart at what you did to him. Spinning around, you quickly grab the back of his shirt and press yourself against his back. Norway froze, but didn't bother looking back. You took a deep breath then smiled regretfully.

"Norway... Can I ask you something?"

Norway made a slightly audible 'yeah' making your smile turn a bit more hopeful.

"What.... What do you think of me?"

Norway tensed up a bit at your question before tilting his head down a bit.

"I love you. More than anyone."

Your heart leaped and raced as you had those words echo throughout your head. Wrapping your arms around him, you buried your face into his warm back, squeezing him slightly.

"Norway... Ask me the same question... Please?"

Norway put his hand on your arm that wrapped around him.

"What do you think of me, ________?"

Hiding your red face in his shirt you smile excitedly.

"I.... I love you... No more lies..."

Letting go of your grip on him, Norway uses that moment to turn around and stare into your overjoyed eyes. Smiling slightly, just for you, he leaned over and pressed his soft lips against yours. There was so much magic in that kiss that you didn't want it to end. And neither did Norway. He wanted this simple, yet love-filled kiss, to last forever. Pulling your body closer to his, he wrapped his arms around you to deepen the kiss even more. You could feel his heart pounding against yours as your body touched his.

Slowly, and unwillingly, Norway broke the kiss to look into your sparkling eyes. You smiled sweetly at his expression. To others it may look like his poker face, but to you it said that he was overjoyed and in love.



You peer into his faded blue eyes before you peck his cheek, smirking afterwards.

"You know... it was love at first sight... for me that is."

Norway buried his face into your clean hair and breathed in, taking in your indescribable and non-replaceable scent.

"It was the same for me too. And it increased more and more as I got to know you."

Blushing, you laugh sweetly and pull yourself closer to your lover.

"I don't know if I'll say this right, but.... Jeg elsker deg."

You felt Norway pull you closer to him, his smile hidden in your hair.

"Jeg elsker deg også _______."


First off... I would LOVE to thank my AWESOME cousin for giving me this idea for a one shot!! I literally just asked her to give me a romantic situation and this what she came up with. I loves her so much!!! LOVE YA COUSIN!!!

This is dedicated to a VERY EPICALLY AWESOME PERSON who asked me so very politely to start a Norway one shot thingy!!! GRAZIE FOR ENCOURAGING MEEE!! Couldn't have done this without ya BlueberryNinja101!!!

Thanks a bunch for reading!!

Ciao for now!!! \(^x^)z

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