Untitled Part 1

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Angelo's POV:

I stepped out the door as i immediately grabbed my travelling bag full of important things needed for two week-outing. Tsk! Those guys! They're full of adventurous things in there minds. Imagine? were going to stay in san francisco, camotes all by ourselves within two weeks! Very nice. I dont even remember how they made me agree with this thing. I even have to spend my precious savings just to tag along.

I peek at my wrist watch. ITs already 6:15am. Enough for them to whine at me, i guess? The call time is quarter to 6. well, they cant blame me. who would dare to wake up that early just for this nonsense outing? oh well..

when i arrived at the meeting place, i saw the five zombies. Their faces looked upset. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"whaT's with the shrugging of shoulders huh!? You're very late!!"

oh! here we go again! thaT's edmera.. the one who's always making my head aches. She's always whinning, mostly at me. And i dont know why..

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