Chapter 5

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I was pacing the lounge floor muttering things under my breath telling myself to calm down i glared down at the red note on the table with a frustrated growl i picked it up the unopend letter haunting me but before i could do anything stupid like open it i threw it on the fire so it was nothing but ash.



my head snapped to the front door I looked at the door with a slight bit of fear fearing that he will be on the other side. I slowly moved towards it but Blakes scent hit me before i got too close the fear had now washed away and replaced with anger and a bit of warmth i shook that away.

"Karma open the door now!" his voice was full of anger and worry i yanked the door open my eyes looked him over a white t-shirt and simple jeans i met his eyes he came inside and shut the door making me back up

"what is wrong with you?" i exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air he looked at me like he was trying to figure out a puzzle you could see the cogs turning in his head i rolled my eyes and turned to walk away but i wrist was caught i was spun into a hard chest i gasped and looked up at him and pulled away but he held me there

"Blake what are you doing?" i gritted htough my teeth the tingles were washing though me

"He has been here i can smell it" he growled my eyes were cast down i pulled away using my wolf strength and got out of his hold

"Leave" i said he shook his head

"No" he stated and walked further into the house

"You should go now" i gritted  he turned to face me his gaze burning into me

"You always do that" he sounded irrated and almost upset i turend to him giving him a flat look

"Do what?" i thrw my arms up

"Tell me to leave, why?" he cocked his head to the side, but that question got the cogs in my head turning why? because i am dangerous if people are around me too much they disapper or die, before i knew it his hands were on my sholders looking deep into my eyes 

"Because you will die" i whisperd he furrowed his eyebrows and let go running a hand though his hair and turning so his back was to me i could see what would happen next he would walk right out the door just like all the others i leared that years ago. But what he did next took me by complete surprise 

"I will help you" he still had his back to me i was speechless help, war, death

"you can't help me it is too risky" i mutterd he turend to me so fast i was expecting he got whiplash

"its risky for you to do it alone you could have died a few days ago" i let out a creal laugh throwing my head back

"he would not have let me die he is playing a game with me he knew someone would find me he wants to toy with me make me so scared i wont leave the house make me so scared that i can't wait to die" i stormed into my bedroom shutting the door and pacing the floor i did not want to hear what he had to say next but of course luck was not on my side he stomed in and pinned me to a wall his eyes black

"I will protect you" he snarled crshing his lips to mine  i froze my body going stiff he wrapped his arms around my waist crishing his body to mine before i knew it i was kissing hin back with as much force because i knew this would be the first and last time i could kiss my mate, he pulled away breathing his eyes back to his normal colour 

"I have to go" he whisperd i nodded his pack is calling him i can hear it in the mind link 

"go" i whisperd he kissed me on the forehead and walked out when i heard the front door shut i let a few tears slip out but whiped them quickly i grbbed a bag and shoved some clothes in with my phone and a stash of money i kept hidden away and grbbed a pen and paper writing a note 


i had to go you were not going to let me deal with this and it is dangerous for you and your pack i have left don't come and find me forget me i can deal with my own problems


I leaft it on the table and walked out leaving the door unlocked walking to my car getting in and speeding away my destination the airport.

Blake's P.o.v

I woke up a dreading feeling racking though me my wolf howing i got up rubbing my hands over my face what is wrong with me i should be happy i kissed my mate for the first time yesteday and she kissed me back man i sound like a chick but i dont care. i jumped into the shower taking one in record time putting on some jeans and a white t-shirt running my hand through my hair grbbing my car keys to make my way to school that nagging feeling still there.

Karma was not at school her scent was gone she has not been here. i jumped in my car only one destination in mind Karma's house.


A/N: sorry for shortness but got writers block it sucks :(




Katie <333

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