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"Alicia...can we talk about something?"

"Talk about what how my career is basically over yeah such a great topic."

"No." Roman finished adjusting his vest before walking over to the couch sitting next to Alicia pulling her into his lap.

"Alright so I was thinking...Christmas is coming up...and you know how you said you were going to stay with your sister?"

"Yea,what about it?"

"Well you were with me and my family for thanksgiving & I was thinking maybe,JoJo and I could...maybe come along?"

"Roman you can't just ditch your family,it's the holidays,the last time until a while that we'll get that long amount of time off."

"I won't be,I already did talk to dad a while back he said it's fine if I split holidays half and half besides then JoJo can meet Raven,we both get to spend time with Alana,it'll work baby."

"Woah man! I guess it's the reason they tell us not to speed but jerk here decided to race me!" Ziggler said walking in

"Oh please you're right it was a race but I so killed you lucky I didn't run you off your clumsy self." Ryder replied

Alicia kept trying to block out their conversation but at the rate they kept going it only got to her even more she climbed out of Roman's grasp & walked over to Dolph shoving him.

"God do you honestly think that's funny!"

"What are you talking a-

"You're such an a** hole! The both of you!" She shoved him again before storming out of the room.

"What's with ya girls deal Reigns,seriously not cool bro."

Roman sighed running his hands threw his hair. "I'm not gonna rip into you guys since you didn't know but...her mom...died in a car accident a drunk ran her off...the fact that you two were joking about being ran off the road hit her hard so just,be careful with what you say alright?"

"We didn't know man,my bad,if we woulda known we wouldn't have talked about it."

"You want us to go talk to her bro?"

"First off...I'm not your bro and second no,my match is about to's start so I'll go talk to her before we head out."

"Ali...Alicia!...hey Titus you seen Alicia around?"

"No,try the divas locker room I doubt they'll let you in but you can ask Paige she'll know most likely since mamma Nattie isn't here."


Roman had been wondering around looking for Alicia but couldn't find her he was taking all his time he had before his match,it was only a few minutes before his match so he decided to head to his entrance and hope she was at least at the hotel,he started heading to the steps when he saw Alicia leaning on the wall with a bottle of water in her hands.

"Hey,I was looking for you...you okay,I know what the guys said back there a-

"No...I'm okay...you?"

"Ah,yea...I'm good." He slowly inched closer to her until he was fully upfront and hugged her,he felt her rest her head on his shoulder while he rubbed her back. "It's okay...it's okay to cry...it's okay to be upset...just know...she's proud and watching over you."

Roman ducked Shemaus's brogue kick and quickly takes him down with a superman punch.

Alberto was only about to get on the apron on his knees before Alicia ran to where he was yanking his leg making him fall face first into the apron before hitting the ground.

With the distraction Sheamus was able to get back to his feet and connected a brouge kick to Roman, the ref was just about to get his hand down for three when Roman kicked out.

Alicia started to pace back and forth slamming her hands onto the mat yelling Roman's name along with the crowd.

"FINISH! HIM!" Sheamus backs up into the corner most likely Setting up for the brogue kick mocking Roman fist pump, as soon as he takes off towards Roman Roman surprises everyone with a quick dodge to the side turning around and spearing Sheamus getting the pin.

After The ref raised his hand and Roman stood on the turnbuckle posing and waving to the crowd he turned to Alicia signaling for her to get into the ring.

"What are you doing?" She whispered

"You'll see baby girl." He gave her a quick side hug before sliding out of the ring and getting a mic then getting back into the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen...thank you,you guys are amazing!...tonight...tonight the tater tot learned that you can thing anyone into the Roman Empire but at the end of the day,that build up of an empire will NOT be taken down...tonight I not only enjoyed kicking Sheamus's a** but tonight I dedicate this win... Mrs. L,this ones for you,we love you." Alicia lifted her head towards Roman trying to blink away the tears surprised at the announcement he made not even expecting it. She rubbed her eyes with her thumb hoping that would help but instead the tears escaped She felt a pair of arms go around her waist and she was suddenly lifted into the air. Her gaze automatically went to the arena roof blowing a kiss shutting her eyes.

"I love you,I'm gonna make you proud...that's a promise."

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