Chapter 12

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       Her eyes opened slowly and she realized that she had been placed in a different surrounding all together.

       Angelica sat up to steady herself and felt quite weak over the past that just took place. So she looked around to see if she sensed any presence. Her ears strained to hear but she found herself in a new place all together.

        Instead of being in the awfully white room that she had been used to living in or the small room she had when she was with Laura and Tom, she found herself in a majestic well-furnished bed room which had the wonderful combination of dark purple and white.

        Innocent as she was, she curiously observed her surroundings to see if she could pull out any clue as to where she was. But it was quite sure that she was kidnapped again.

     As per cue, the door creaked open slowly and Angelica's long ears snapped down and hid between her thick brown hair as her huge beautiful grey eyes shone with fear.

    What were they going to do to her now? Would it be worse compared to what she was treated in the lab?

    She saw a young girl who must be in her twenties peep in and slowly allow herself in.
     She notices that this beautiful young lady had weird markings on her torso which were peeping through her clothes. She also noticed her burgundy tinged curls swirling in a mess and her deep emerald orbs glistening. And her kind smile that hung by her soft pink lips.

      Angelica knew she has never met or even seen this woman in her life yet she felt some kind of deep attachment with her. Like she knew her.

     "Hello Angelica!" You let out calmly as your voice chimed softly.

        Whatever words that appeared in her mind had sprouted out unconsciously. "Who are you? And where am I?" She asked with the new found bravery she had midst her fear. A sigh escaped from your beautiful pink lips.

          You knew this was the hardest part of it all. You had to tell her everything. The truth, To remove her from the illusion of lies she had been living in. And it was the only way to make her see. Even though you have been with her, most of the times, you still didn't know how she was going to react towards it.

      "My name is Racquelle. And I have been keeping quite a watch over you, young Kitty..." You let out with a sweet soft smile as you edged closer  to the bed she sat on.

         Uncomfortably and uneasily shifting in her place, she tried to edge away each step as you took towards her. She knew that she could trust you by the vibe that was radiating out of you but for precautions sake, she kept her distance from you.

       So you took your steps slow and steady. And just as calm you are, you only want to convey through your gesture that you meant no harm. Eventually you came by her side.

       You sat beside her and Kitty turned away from your gaze.You wanted to pet her but the moment you picked your hand to do so, she shied away as her eyes clamped close. It was an awkward moment and you realize you were making it worse. You let another helpless sigh escape.

         You didn't know what this would lead to and you didn't know how to take it, to make her understand the dense truth. But you knew you had to do it soon. And taking time, to let it do it's magic to completely trust you, was no answer you need now. Or you will never be safe.

         You had to tell her and get over it, so you could prepare for the worst situations that was yet to come.

      "Angelica? I see that you are weak and hungry... won't you come down to eat something?" You ask softly with a small smile. Her eyes were on the dark wooden floor as she let her legs dangle when you sat next to her. And in response to your question, she nodded as she bit her lower lip.

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