Spirit of the Bear

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Skeeter smirked at the speechless expressions on his peers faces.

"You may all bow down at my brilliance." He smugly chirped.

Pandora got on her knees and did the international over-worshipping arm thing where you sort of fling them out then simultaneously move them up and down.

Then Ryder and Thalia joined in.

Once they had finished their international over-worshipping dramatic arm gestures while kneeling, they settled themselves and gawked up at Skeeter.

"Also, I would like to share a secret." Skeeter said, a little seriously.

Pandora's eyes widened. What the hell was that about? He was going to say he was a drug addict or something? What could a farm boy like Skeeter be hiding?

"My name's not really Skeeter." He said sadly.

Pandora gaped. "Oh my lordly freaking cheese balled nachos, are you serious? This is the best thing ever to happen to mankind. Oh my narwhals! Oh my sparkles! This is jazzberry to the max! Tellllll usssssss!" She cheered.

"Maybe another day, we're only Day 1, people. Still got two months to kill the entire alien race invading earth. You know what, if you help me with my master plan and it's a raging success, I will tell you all." He teased, taking the bear meat barbecue sticks away from the fire and passing them around.

"This is going to kill me." Pandora groaned, taking a bite and nodding appreciatively to Fiercefur.

"Oh. And. Uh, another thing. I've been having these weird... Urges." Skeeter sat back down next to Pandora and slung his arm around her neck. Again.

"Been there, done that." Ryder crowed, chuckling, and gnawing on his bear meat.

Skeeter blushed. "Gross. No. Not what I was talking about, you freak."

Pandora sniggered with Thalia. Thalia started snorting with laughter.

Everyone grew quiet and stared at Thalia.

"I'm ashamed to be related to you." Ryder said quietly. "Sorry you had to find out this way, guys. Thalia has the loudest snort known to mankind."

Thalia glowered at him and nibbled at Brownberry's barbecued remains.

"Yeah, no duh. Sounded like a cross between two turkeys mating and a pig having a heart attack." Pandora giggled.

"Back to me, thanks. Let me distract you from Miss Turkey-Pig-Laugh. I've been having urges to...hunt, to kill. To rip out a squirrels intestines."

Nut and his little squirrel clan all bolted. It was a thrilling sight, to be honest.

Pandora coaxed them back.

I promise he won't do anything to you. I control him. He's practically my slave. She thought at them. They all edged closer, still cautious. Plus, we need your help for our plan.

I'll be your slave anytime. Skeeter's thoughts interrupted her coaxing.

I've barely known you for thirty six hours, Skeeter. Oh wait. That's not even your real name. Please, shut up. Pandora thought brusquely.

Skeeter cringed. That hurt, potato.

That nickname just isn't really sticking, is it?

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