Chapter 1

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The sound of your Alarm clock wakes you up. Groaning, you try to get your lazy mind into gear. It was monday, which angers you. You were considering to just stay in bed, skipping school. It's not like you wanted to go to school anyway. It's boring and everyone is either a jerk or a idiot. Not only that, but people looked down at you. For multiple reasons, one you were two years older than everyone else. Another reason you were looked down upon was because you had severe dyslexia, ADHD and anger management problems.

It was first hour, Intro to Foods. You were laying your head down on your desk when the the announcements came on. You groaned, you really really didn't want to be here. The announcements end and the teacher starts to talk. Just like you did with the announcements, you tune the teacher out. You only start listening when you hear a new voice.
"Привет! I am Ivan Braginski! I come from Mother Russia and I hope to be friends with everyone, да?" You look at him carefully. He was wearing the normal boy's school uniform, but he had an extra accessory. He was wearing a scarf, which would technically be against school rules. But, really, you shouldn't be the one talking! You weren't wearing the normal girl's uniform. Or boy's uniform for that matter! You were wearing a (f/c) colored shirt, with black skinny jeans and (f/c) baseball hat. All these were against the rules, they didn't want to suspend you or kick you out (yet), but they didn't want you to get violent. Again. While you were in your own thoughts, Ivan found an empty seat. You didn't realize this until you snapped out of your thoughts and found your view of the white board blocked. You were not expecting that, so you did what every normal person would do.
"What the Fuck?!" You yell, jumping out of your seat. Your classmates, who were very used to your outburst, snicker. You glare at Ivan, who looks at you confused.
"(Y/N)! Sit down and and watch your mouth or I'll have to send you to the office!" The teacher warns you, turning your attention on her. Your anger was clouding up your mind, and you didn't know if she was trying to help or threatening you. Fortunately, before you did anything stupid the teacher aide, Ms.Mir, came over to the rescue.
"(Y/N), can you please sit down? You are not in trouble." She says quietly. Ms. Mir was one of the few people you could trust. She always told you what was going on when you didn't understand. You nod, and sit down. After a few minutes the class is back to normal. Except while it was moving ahead, it left Ivan behind in the dust trying to understand what just happened.
"малютка, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The foreign word at the beginning distracted you, so you didn't get the rest of what he said.
"Malyutka? What does that mean?!" You growl at him, thinking it was something offensive. Ivan looks at you, at first surprised. It's not everyday you meet someone who could repeat a Russian word so perfectly and yet have not studied or learn Russian. At least, that was what he was guessing, since you didn't seem like someone who would try to learn Russian. He smiles.
"малютка means little one." He explains, and your expressions darkens, and you slam your hands on the desk. Your hands curled into fists, signaling that you were ready to punch someone or something. Luckily, Ms. Mir realizes this and she taps your shoulder, pointing to the door. Signaling it was time to 'cool off'. You growl, glaring at Ivan, before grabbing your bag and heading for the door. Ms. Mir follows you, taking her handbag with her and telling the teacher they will be in the Special Education room. Ivan's violet eyes follow you as you walk out and you were very aware of that. You were also aware that his eyes weren't the only ones following you.

You were currently walking into the Special Education room, Ms.Mir following you. "(Y/N), are you okay? What happened?" She asks calmly. You growl, still angry while making it to a chair. But first you went and grabbed a wiggle seat to put on the chair before you sit down.
"He called me little." You mumble. Ms. Mir sighs, shaking her head.
"(Y/N), he was probably just saying that because from his perspective everyone is short! I really doubt he said that to offend you!" Ms. Mir tries to explain to you, but your mood doesn't change.
"That doesn't give him any reason to call me small! I can beat him in a fucking fight! I know that for sure!" You growl, crossing your arms across your chest. Ms. Mir gives you a 'warning glare'.
"We won't be talking like that here, okay (Y/N)?" She asks you, while you sink into your chair. You don't reply back to Ms. Mir, which causes her to sigh. "(Y/N), I don't want to see you get kicked out. You've been kicked out of too many schools already, you would probably have to move out of the city to find another school!"
This time you respond with a 'So what?' and Ms. Mir was going to reply, if it wasn't that she was cut off by one of your fellow Special Education classmates. "Kesesese! The awesome me has arrived!" Gilbert yells from across the room.
"Shut up! I bet China can hear you!" You yell back, getting another glare from Ms. Mir. Yao walks in, along with Arthur, Alfred, Ludwig and Feliciano. Gilbert has tourette syndrome and ADHD. Alfred also has ADHD and he has Dyslexia as well. Ludwig has ADHD, but he was better at controlling it. The only reason why he was in Special Ed was because he had anger management issues too, though not as bad as you. He was probably the most 'normal' student in your class. Feliciano has ADD, along with autism. Arthur also has autism. Yao was another Aide. He was okay, but sometimes was a bit more stern than Ms. Mir.
"We are going to take a quiz soon, aru. Please, sit down." Yao says, trying to get the five boys to sit down and get ready for the quiz.
"We can leave if you need us to." Ms. Mir smiles, but then frowns as you kick your open bag across the room successfully dumping all its contents out of it. "(Y/N), please clean that up."
"I'm not going back there." You say shortly. You hear laughing in the room and both you and Yao glare at the maker of the sound. Gilbert quickly covers his mouth.
"(Y/N), one I still need you to pick up your stuff and two, if you don't want to go back to the classroom, you don't have to. But then, of course, you will miss out on making (Favorite food) in class. We are going to start it today." Ms. Mir says, with a knowing smile on her face. You quickly get out of your seat and start picking up your stuff on the floor. In a record time of 2 minutes you stuffed all your papers and notebooks into your bag, and were ready to go. Ms.Mir smiles, and both you and her head out of the room, leaving the boys to argue which superhero was the best: Thank you, Alfred.

You walked into the room, and see that everyone was already in their stations. Since there was always an odd number of students and since no one wanted to be your partner anyway, you always worked by yourself, or with Ms. Mir. You were about to walk off to a empty work area, when the teacher stops you.
"(Y/N), I'm glad you decided to rejoin us." You growl at this. "Since we gained a classmate and since he said he wouldn't mind working with you, you are going to be working with Ivan as a partner. He is at work stati-"
"I'm not working with him." You cut her off and head to your own station. Ms.Mir lets you do so, which you found odd. She would always try to persuade you to join partner or group work. Ms.Mir and the teacher started to talk quietly and when they were done the teacher started to go through the steps to make (favorite food). After washing your hands, you were pulling out the ingredients when some (Ingredient) 'magically appeared from nowhere' and gets set onto the counter. You turn and no surprise, you see Ivan. "What do you want?"
"I'm your partner, Да? Partners work together." He explains, handing you another ingredient. You snatch it from him.
"I don't want to be your partner, you son of a bitch!" You turn away from him, but turn back when you hear him say something. "What?! You have a problem?"
"нет, подсолнечное! I was just saying that девушки like you shouldn't say плохие слова like that." He says happily. You growl at him.
"You better learn how to speak only english fucking fast or else you are never going to see the light of day again!" You threaten, balling your fist. You couldn't help yourself! He could have been saying mean things to you! You had to defend yourself, you weren't going to let him push you around! That is when you felt an arm around your shoulder. You look up and see it was the last person you wanted to see. Alonso Smith. Also known to you as guy who thinks of you as a bad rash, yet won't leave you alone. Unfortunately, he looked like he was on steroids, and could beat you to a pulp any second. Not saying that he hasn't done so multiple times already or anything. But that wasn't the part that made your stomach decide to go do constant flips, and not in a good way. If there was a good stomach flip thing, which you highly doubted. He was almost always watching you. Even if you weren't going to do anything and it was quite obvious. He scared you.
"Come on, (Y/N)! You shouldn't be so mean to the new kid!" He chuckles as you shrink, trying to get away from your huge foe. You glare at him, and he smiles back not missing one ounce of the fear that was held in your eyes. Ivan also saw it, and his sweet smile starting to turn dark.
"Leave me alone, Smith!" You growl, causing him to laugh more. You look around for Ms.Mir, but she was at the other side of the room helping another student. So was the teacher. You would think that by now they would have realized to keep me supervised 24/7. The back of your mind says.
"Aww, You don't mean that, kitten! I know you love my company deep down inside your stone cold heart somewhere!" He practically purrs. You get away from him, feeling sick. You were almost about to make your way to a sink or garbage can, but you felt like finding a shield would be better, just in case. So you find the quickest, biggest thing to use as a shield. Ivan. You run behind him, grabbing onto the back of his uniform just so you could block incoming attacks. At first, both Ivan and Alonso were surprised. Alonso snapped out of it pretty quick, while Ivan stayed surprised.
Alonso laughs, which causes your anger to start to boil even hotter inside you. You were almost about to smash Ivan into Alonso if you didn't notice something... off. "Awwww, isn't that so cute! The little kitten has taken cover behind a dog!" Alonso says. You growl and the little common sense you had goes 'So long!'. Using all the strength you had, which was quite a lot, you ram Ivan into Alonso, causing both of the bigger boys to fall to the floor. Unfortunately, you did this right when the teacher decided to turn around.
"(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)! Office, now!" She barks, then starts to tell other students to help get Ivan and Alonso to the nurse's office. You grab your bag and march to the office, but not missing the smirk you got from Alonso. How he was still conscious will remain a mystery to you.

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