Chapter 11

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I'm writing on my iPhone so exude the misspells and stuff. I had an ephiany so that's why I am posting mainly....and because I love u too...

Ready? Let's go

Chapter 11

Rebecca had declared WW3. I don't take too kindly to itching powder on my favorite shows and superglue on my bras. She had another thing coming. She might have thought she was going to get away with these petty pranks. Ha! No sire. She never knew much about me including that there is nothing I do better than revenge. <insert evil smirk>

It was one call to her mom that would change her life. I thought to myself as I walked into Rebeccas room. I had only called her mom asking if she was busy today. And what do u know? She had cheer practice. She would be sweaty ad wanting a shower when she came home. I did an evil chuckle as I unscrewed the shower cap. I ripped open the bag of lifesavers and dumped a couple into the cap along with glitter...lots of glitter. I screwed the cap on.

What will this do may you ask? Well when the water washes down on her against the life savers and glitter she will become very sticky and glittery and keep taking showers not knowing what was making her sticky when it was just the shower. I smirked this was good revenge. I took out her shampoo and put hair remover. I took out her body wash and put blue paint in it. I chuckled to myself as I put it back exactly the way it was.

One weakness Rebecca has is Oreos. It always has been. I put four Oreos on a plate with a glass of "bad" milk.  I took all the creme out of the Oreos eating it myself. I said as I licked the oreo tops and squirted white toothpaste instead. Oh yes, sweet, sweet, revenge.

Thats when I heard, "MOM!! I'm home!!! I'll be up in the shower if you need me!!" I chuckled, but thought! Oh god!! I have to hide. I booked it for under her bead scrunching my face up in disgust as I saw used condoms and lacey underwear under here. I gagged but kept silent.

I saw the door open and feet walk around in the room and saw clothes dropping. Then I heard the shower turn on. I almost laughed out loud. Five minues later I heard a scream. She came out of the shower. I could here the suction as she touched her skin. Then I saw hair drop on the floor and blue feet. I laughed out loud. I saw the feet spin around on the floor.

"MARY!! I'm going to kill you!!! I don't know where you are, but when I find you, you are so dead. Then I heard a dunk of a cookie in the milk. I giggled when I heard a, "EWWWW!!" And the cookie drop on the floor. She ran out of the door, "MOTHER!!!" I took that chance to escape from the window. I opened it and thanked the lord that she had a fire escape ladder. I climbed down and jumped to my feet and pumped my fists in the air in a 'yes!' motion. I took that chance too book it before I was found.

(How was that you guys?? I know its short but I promise to upload soon!)

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