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Audrey stared miserably at the speeding ticket she held, before folding it back up and putting into her back pocket. Her parents had been furious at her reckless driving. She couldn't help it. Her argument with Jeremy in the high school parking lot had left her so worked up she hadn't cared how many traffic lights she whizzed past, how fast she drove. Now this was the unfortunate consequence.

This is Jeremy's fault, she thought sullenly. Jeremy Cook you are so dead.

Her parents were adamant on her paying for the ticket herself and so here she now was trooping up and down the High Street and town centre, scouring the shop windows for 'Help Wanted' and 'Hiring' signs.

She reached a quaint bookstore snuggled between a bakery and a thrift store. There was no sign in the window saying they were hiring, but she had spent the whole of the afternoon handing in résumés that she just wanted a break.

She stepped through the door and there was a jingle.

Audrey looked up at the wind chimes and smiled.


The store was quiet, no one was about not even at the counter. She wondered if she had missed a 'Sorry we're closed' sign.

Just when Audrey decided it would be best if she made a quiet retreat, she heard a door open and close further on in the shop.

A very flustered looking woman came from the back struggling with a box. She set it atop the counter and let out a sigh, before sweeping up her dark curls into a messy bun.

"Mrs Carlini...?"

Antonia started. "Oh. Hello, welcome to Bookworm's Haven!" She gushed. Then she realised the young woman before her had called her by name. "Oh, yes. I am she. How can I help you?"

Audrey smiled warmly. "Hello, ma'am. I'm Audrey Green, Max Green's sister. You teach him catechism at St. Mark's."

"Oh! Oh, right! Maxie's such a sweetheart. Are you looking to get him something?"

Audrey's smile turned a little guilty. "Well actually no... I just stopped by to take a break from selling myself all up and down the high street."

To the startled wide-eyed look Mrs Carlini gave her she quickly corrected herself. "I- I mean I've been looking for work! Handing these in to shops wanting to hire all afternoon. I just stopped by to-"

Antonia comprehending nodded eagerly and rushed to stand before Audrey.

"May I?" She asked reaching for a copy.

"Sure... But you don't have a sign in the window, I didn't come in here to pester you or anything, I-"

"Miss Green, you're hired if you can start right now! The pay won't be much to start with, but I'll give you any three books on the house."

Audrey chewed her lip for a second, as she thought about it. But then again, was there even anything to think about?

"Sold!" She smiled.

"Ah, thank you, child!" Mrs Carlini hugged her, it was taking her forever to sort and ship deliveries without the extra set of hands. She had been planning on putting a 'hiring' sign up, but was afraid of attracting another creep in. Audrey was an answered prayer. After skimming through her résumé she was sure she would be a responsible, and diligent worker.

Mrs Carlini assured Audrey she would raise the pay in a week or so, and Audrey told her she would be delighted to work in the bookstore. She went to the box on the counter, and asked what she needed to do with the contents.

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