The Making of a Sith

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The difference between the Jedi and the Sith is much smaller than either would like to admit.  Kylo Ren knew this better than anyone.  Their training was by a Master, addressed as such.  They both studied mind suggestion, telekinesis,  and light saber dueling.  They both were leaders of men. But the main difference, that eventually leads to the anger, fear, aggression, and jealousy, stems from one single trait- despair.  It was shared by all Sith.  Vader despaired having lost his true love.  Sidious's ambition led him to commit murder of his Master.  And Ren had finally descended to the depravity of patricide.  His despair had finally arrived.  And Snoke knew that his young pupil was ready to complete his training.  A Sith was soon to be made.
Ren was dueling with his sparring sphere.  It hovered around him, darting and dashing away from Ren's saber thrusts.  Shots of laser spat from the sphere, which either deflected or he evaded deftly.  Ren threw his saber, and the sphere spun upward. After swinging around the saber doubled back to his hand. The sphere shot two shots which he rolled away from, and kicked his legs over to round off on his feet.  He then threw his light saber again, which missed the sphere as it slid to the left.  But this time Ren gestured and the saber changed direction, doubled back and sliced through the center of the sphere.  It fell to the ground in burnt pieces.

Snoke was pleased. He had personally oversaw Kylo Ren train day by day. It was now time to begin the final stages of his teaching.
Snoke began, "You have advanced well. A fine Sith you will make."
"It is all to your credit Master", Kylo Ren replied. "But there is something I wanted to discuss."
"Of course. Don't hesitate to."
"Thank you Master. I have felt the Force grow inside me. It's power fills me. And I can sense the fear in those around me."
"A powerful Sith you shall be."
Kylo nodded, "Yes, I realize that now. But I sense that there is an incompleteness in me still. As if the dark side does not fully welcome me."
"What you say is true."
"But why? I have done everything you asked of me. I have completed all your training, mastered my combat skills, sacrificed my family, devoted myself to the conquests of the First Order. Yet, I feel like you do not fully accept me. Do you consider me unworthy?"
Snoke looked down upon him. "You are not whole. You are not a Sith Lord yet. How can you be when you still weep for your father? A smuggler and rogue, who would rather rob and hide like a rat than accept you for what you are."
Kylo Ren straightened up, "I will suppress that master. My feelings for him dwindle every day. Shortly I shall have no pity for him at all. Once I have committed myself to this, will I be a Sith Lord?"
Snoke paused a moment. "No."
Kylo Ren clenched his fists. The rage surged inside him. "You are not fair Master! You tell me how I've grown so much, yet you hold me back. I don't deserve this!"
Snoke snarled, "You certainly DON'T deserve to be declared a Sith Lord. How can you honor your name with that title when you so easily accept dominance from another?"
"The girl. Rey. She scarred you and punished you like a petulant child. For all your training you could not defeat a scavenger dog from Jakku. A girl. You don't deserve the title of Sith Lord. Until she submits to your will and you have reclaimed the Lightsaber that is your family right to possess, only then will you become a Sith Lord. Until then, you are still only an ambitious apprentice. A child."

Kylo thought on this a moment. He feared the girl. She had resisted him. The Force was strong with her. A question nagged at his mind but he was afraid to ask it.
"Ask your question, you coward! Don't hide in the shadows waiting for permission."
"Master, I do fear the girl, it's true. But for only one reason alone. Is the light side stronger than the dark side?"
Snoke smiled, "Human spirit is powerful, and the light side has its own seductions. Many people find comfort in the supposed inherit good of the universe.  But it's a myth, made to console the weak minded.  The universe tells a different story.  All energy, all life, slowly fades to oblivion.  The brightest star burns out, the highest mountain eventually crumbles.  Chaos is the inevitable state of existence.  Nothing escapes the darkness.  And if you rule the darkness, then you are omnipotent. A God.  Master to all. "

Kylo Ren found peace in his words.  The girl could be beaten.  He believed that now. Even a Skywalker had his limits.  He raised his saber and summoned another sparring sphere to surface.  His blade cut through the air.  As his spirit lifted, he sensed that his Master was pleased.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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