Hey, I'm Kira, a strong independent black woman, I'm 16 years old, but there's a thing, I'm different. I don't know what it is, but I feel different.
Yes, I live in the ghetto, and listen to rap. All the stereotypes, but the thing is, I want something more than this. I want to stay home on Saturday nights and study. I want to go somewhere with my life.
Dad left when I was around 3. I live with my two brothers and my twin sister. My mother is always out of town because of work and stuff, and my grandmother takes care of all of us. Though she's getting older, and less active, and we think she might die soon. The thought scares me.
I go to school and only have few friends. We all go through a metal detector, and rare pat-downs just to go to school. The teachers suck, and well, nobody cares.
We're all poor here in this town. Sometimes I don't really understand how we all stay. Dads, if they stay, are usually out drug dealing, mothers, just give up after their kids get suspended for weeks at a time.
My twin sister, Kellsie , she's like the popular one in school. She has ombre brown and blonde corn rows, she's tall, and she has a boyfriend. One of my brothers, Kien, he's 3. He's too young to understand anything that happens here. My older brother, Tyler is 17, we get along a lot better, he's the kind of kid who sneaks out, has cocaine and weed. Him and I look out for each other more than the others I guess.
My best friend Jennifer, we have been friends for about 7 years now. We met at a summer camp. We hated each other at first, but we became friends after awhile. She is beautiful, but she has a bad temper. She has 7 siblings, they don't ever help. Her parents aren't to great either. Her mother left, and her dad deals.
So, now you know all the basics about my life and everything in it. It's Time to get into my story now.