Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Gypsy love for the awesome book cover.

It was midnight when they came, seen by almost no one, everyone in the kingdom was awakened immediately by the grave and echoing toll of the bell at the first blast. King Henry emerged from his room and bumped into the general of his army. Sir Robert's body sagged with tiredness but his eyes, still so sharp.

'Sire', he bowed

'The dragon riders approach. I have already ordered my men to bring out the cannons and ready themselves for battle. The rest of the kingdom are readying their buckets of water to put out the fire when it starts'

'That's good, I trust you have that under control, try not to rise panic in the castle with the visiting nobles. Order anyone who can fight to join us if they please or else remain in the confines f their rooms'

Sir Robert gave a curt nod and went on. Maids and menservants scurried along with panic written all over their faces. King Henry hurried on and entered his daughters room.

It was empty.

Panic rose in the King's chest, choking him


Relief flooded his face when he saw his daughter hurrying towards him with two of her maids behind her.

'Father, are the dragons here?', she inquired

King Henry nodded gravely and hastiliy ushered her into her chambers followed by her ladies. The last thing he needed was his family being hurt

'Make sure she doesn't leave her room'

Four guards were posted outside her door after the king left that night.

After quickly changing into his armor, King Henry went up the gate to see what was becoming of his Kingdom. The dragons were in full sight now, two had been left behind to destroy the fields and villages while his people were trying their hardest to put them out.

The other two were heading their way with astounding pace

'Light the balls up'

The men placed their lit torches on the boulders. He could almost hear their teeth chattering from what he hoped was cold and not fear.

'On my word', he bellowed.

Beads of perspiration trailed down his face but King Henry's eyes were trained on the target ahead.


His men pulled the ledgers and the flaming rocks were launched into the air, it hit one but only by a graze to it's wing making it roar.

King Henry recognized Melevolent and his dragon, who dove to avoid the boulders and came up again at a splitting instance, making them all take cover. King Henry could have sworn he felt Melovelent's wispy fingers on his crown and his menacing smile.

Melovelent kept riding all the way and dipped lower as it approached the castle

'Where in God's name is he going?'Robert asked no one in particular.

'Take some men and follow it, it's flying too low, almost like it wants to enter the castle. The rest will stay here with me if he returns'.

Soon Robert and his men too were out of sight and King Henry turned his attention to the village nearest. He could hear the high pitched screaming of his people burning in the fire. The fire that was fast spreading was too much for them to handle but the dragons were nowhere to be seen again.

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