Why My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic is the best show on Earth (usually).
KEEP IN MIND: My Little Pony:
Gen 1: Ok. (Humans included)
Gen 2: GAAH WHAT A NIGHTMARE!!! (bad characters, bad animation, bad storylines)
Gen 3: *facepalm* (boys, fashion, boys, highschool, boys, love, boys, urgh)
Gen 4: MLP:FiM (Lasers, time travel, villains, variety, dragons, gryphons, sirens, changelings, chaos, etc. Also, fashion. Because nothing is perfect. But we still have muffins!)
Many shows have what is called a reset button.
A reset button means that at the end of each episode, everything is back to as it was before, or reverts back to normal before the next episode.
MLP had this in S1, where a pegasus named Fluttershy would begin to overcome her fears, and then be just as scared next time she starred in an episode.
However, the main character now has permanent wings and has gotten over her insecurities, beforementioned 'Fluttershy' is more comfortable around ponies, stubborness, ego, greed, etc. have been stemmed in other four, and we have had humans where a previous villain is basically taking the main character's role.
This show (MLP) was originally created for little 5-year-old girls. By 2013 we have over 21 000 fans in one census, 84% being male, and the vast majority of 'bronies' between 15 and 30 years.
Basically, I'm saying that we took the 'intended viewers' thing and threw it out the window.
There have been 100m hits on the MLP site 'EquestriaDaily'.
7.5m viewers on the latest MLP episode.
We have a brony in Antartica.
And a wide variety of them. Just saying. It's slightly hard to relate to a dalek. Or a weeping angel.
If you like songs, this is your place.
In the first 4 seasons and 2 movies there are over 2 1/4 hours of songs.
If you don't like songs, there are still plenty of other episodes.
Also, Cleverbot learnt some MLP songs...
-Over 6000 pony posts PER DAY
-On KnowYourMeme, ponies have now surpassed all other memes
-100 000 000 hits on Equestria Daily
- over 135 VOCAL mlp songs (fanmade)
-Hundreds of pieces of fan art
-over 104 animations (some for aforementioned songs)
BlaBlaBla, wow it's late, watch this show, Dragonshy is a good starter because epic episodes end sentimentally.
RandomA Book of Randomness because WhyNot. This idea was copied from @ginyah130 who copied @fluffybird123