Chapter 1

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A Percy Jackson Fanfic. (I do not own PJO and HOO)


I sat lazily as I watched kids play dodgeball. I hated being an orphan. Never getting enough food, never getting a nice hot bath, never getting warm at night, most of all...never knowing my parents.

I've been in the San Diego Children's Orphanage for three years. And I was. sick and tired of it.

Then I heard a bell ring in the distance. "Time for lunch" I thought.

When I got to the tables I saw what we were having for lunch, beans. I usually love beans, but when you have them every single day, you tend to start loathing them.

After lunch I headed out in the playground. I was the first one on the swings. I love swings, they make me feel free.

Then another girl came on the swing next to me. She started staring at me, which really creeped me out. So I kept on swinging, when the creepy stalker girl came up and stopped my swing. That really made me mad, because I was about to jump off. That's when she said, "Come with me demigod, your blood will be rather tasty."

"Excuse me?!" I asked. Then her hair caught on fire, wait, her hair is fire! Then she had fangs, and freaky long nails, like talons which realllyyy needed a manicure.

She lunged at me and her nails/talons cut my arm. I winced I always hated cuts. I started to run screaming like a little two year old. Then I found a rather large stick the size of a baseball bat. I had an idea. I picked up the stick and hit it against her head. Normally that would've knocked someone out. Only one problem...this chick wasn't normal! She just kept on screeching like a maniac. So I started to run again, only this time I ran into something.

And that something happened to be two tall, muscular, (good looking) eighteen year old boys.

Usually I would stop to drool over these kind of boys, only if I wasn't being chased by some screaming, fire-haired, monster.

Then the freak monster girl began to scratch and screech at the hot boys. Then they both pulled out swords and stabbed the screeching she-demon. Shame, she was starting to grow on me.

I looked at the two guys. One had deep green eyes, nice tan, and messy black hair. The other one was a little taller than the black-haired one. He had eyes the color of the sky, and blond hair. The one thing is, that they both had LOTS of scars.

"Um, hello." I said breaking the silence. They didn't say anything back.

"So, uh thanks for killing the monster thing." I said hopeful for a response. Finally the black-haired dude said, "Anytime, I am Percy Jackson and this is my friend Jason Grace." He announced gesturing to the buff blonde.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Edeline Kuvan." I responded. They continued to study me, when Jason said,"Are you ADHD or Dyslexic?"

I blushed. That was kinda personal! "Yes I am ADHD, but not Dyslexic."

Percy and Jason both exchanged glances and nodded. "Edeline, to make a long story short, you are a demigod, one of your parents is a Greek or Roman god, and you need to come with us."

So many questions were forming in my head. "What do you mean?" I mumbled. Jason was about to answer when something hit me on my head and everything went black.

Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now