Chapter 3

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Edeline POV

I walked around the camp place feeling like I got hit by a bus...along with an elephant.

Soon I heard someone approaching. I turned my head to see Annabeth coming. She was really nice. She had blond hair with dark gray eyes that reminded me school for some reason.

No one else really talked to me here. I feel like I'm in a competition and I have to win. Crazy right?

"Gosh Edeline, no need to talk so much!" Commented Annabeth. Then I realized I haven't said a word.

I blushed and muttered," Sorry." Annabeth just smiled.

"So Edeline, tell me about yourself." I was shocked. No really ever asked me that question before.

"What do you want to know?" I asked. Annabeth rolled her eyes and said,"Edeline please, I'm a child of Athena I want to know everything."

I thought for a moment and I told almost everything about me. "For starters, I love chocolate, books, sports, owls, the color orange and pink, chrysanthemums, and drawing."

"I hate all bugs, snakes, sharks, gorillas, tomatoes, cherries, and-"

You got quite the list huh, Edeline." Smirked Annabeth. It was true, lots of things bug me.

That was when this fly came and started to buzz around my head. I must have glaring at it, because Annabeth whispered,"You forgot to add flies to your list."

I didn't respond. If there is one thing that I hate all above others, it's flies. They're so annoying. I hate, hate, HATE flies. They buzz around you and mock you by when they choose to land on you. If you want my opinion I think flies do no good to the planet called Earth.

This fly however just made me furious. First, it flew around my ear giving me a perfect example of what the horrid creature sounds like. Second, it flew in uneven circles around me. Third, it landed on my bagel. Who knows, it might of puked on it or laid eggs on MY bagel. That is when I lost it.

I grabbed a piece of metal and hopelessly tried to hit it. When it landed on ground (poor ground) an evil grin appeared on my face. The metal was centimeters away from ending its life. That's when it chose to fly away. I stamped my foot in frustration.

Then I heard laughter. I turned around to see Annabeth laying on the ground laughing her head off. But she wasn't the only one, there was a Latino kid who had pointy ears, brown curly hair, brown eyes, and he looked about sixteen. Also he looked like he spent his spare time rolling around in grease. He too was laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"It's not funny." I pouted.

Five minutes later they stopped laughing. I huffed. So what? I hate flies. And I failed miserably to kill it.

The Latino kid introduced himself as 'Leo Valdez Bad Boy Supreme'.


The new kid Edeline seemed nice. She sure does hate flies.

I chuckled at the memory of her desperately trying to kill the bug.

Then I had an idea.

I continued to talk. I summoned flames on my head, it didn't hurt of coarse, it felt kind of like a hot shower.

Edeline's eyes widened in fear when she saw my head. I tried to keep a straight face while talking.

Annabeth must've seen what I was playing at so she acted like nothing was wrong.

However Edeline just stood there with a panicked exapresion. "Uh um, y-your h-h-hair, uh fire! Lake! Lake! Lake!"

She started to push me in that direction.

I tried to act like 'what in the Hades are you talking about'.

Finally she pushed me in the water. I heard the flames go out with a sizzle sound.

She still looked freaked out, but not as much.

I couldn't help it I began to laugh.

"Fire powers, it's a Hephaestus thing." I explained.

She looked a little ticked that I messed with her like that. But whatever. Then she just kind of laughed a little, probably at how gullible she is.

Then I saw a tan pegasus flying above us. Then I saw my girlfriend riding on it. Reyna.

Reyna POV

I was flying looking for Leo. Where is he? He was supposed to meet me at Jupi- Zeus' Fist.

Then I saw him with Annabeth and some twelve year old girl.

Leo looked like he just got over a laughing fit. He had the cute, crooked, smile plastered on his adorable face.

"Reyna!" He practically shouted. He gave me a huge hug, which I returned. He gave me a slight peck on my lips.

I still felt those butterflies in my stomach, well for me it felt like freakin monkeys. I slapped him playfully on the chest.

"You were supposed to meet me at the rock thing!" I whined playfully. I honestly didn't give two craps about where we meet, as long as I'm with's all good.

He didn't say anything he just smiled like a madman. I could never stay mad at Leo.

Then I looked at the newbie. She had blond hair, and unique eyes. They were light-green for the most part but some parts had specks of gold.

I tried to place who's her parent. Not always but sometimes demigod's eyes resemble who their godly parent is.

I have never seen her color/design of eyes before so I was dumbfounded.

"I'm Edeline." She said softly, yet challenging. I gave her a smile.

"Reyna, daughter of Bellona, praetor of Camp Jupiter." She looked at me quizzically. And with that I walked off with Leo.

Edeline POV

After my encounter with Reyna, Annabeth went to clean the stables. I wandered around doing nothing for about twenty minutes when I decided to practice with my knives.

I examined them. Revenge the one with the ruby in its hilt, fit perfectly in my right hand. I began to clean the blade with my shirt. Then I looked at Mercy, this one had a sapphire in its hilt. Mercy fit perfect in my left hand.

I made my way to the arena where I (tried to) practiced slashes, deflects, and stabbing.

I admit I sucked.

Then I heard footsteps. I turned around to see a gorgeous girl with brown hair and beautiful eyes that seemed to change color.

She flashed a million-dollor smile and said,"I'm Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite."

"I'm Edeline Kuvan, daughter of..." I frowned I didn't know who my godly parent is.

Piper gave me a sympathetic smile and offered to help me with my knife training.

I accepted knowing that I needed it.

Piper was pretty handy with her knife. It had a weird name. Katotriz? Catotpis? I don't know, all know is that it means mirror.

After three hours we both were sweating and in need of a cool shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2013 ⏰

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