The Awaking

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  Sean woke up and started to get ready for school. He grabbed his satchel with a special pesos one it and left for school. When he was walking in there was a fight going on "Jonny and Billy going at it again." I mumbled. I also saw Katy walking in at the same time I was that was different she was one of the coolest people in school and she walked by me.
  Latin was my fifth period and then the lights went out. That was weird because the school was right next to the power plant and there was never a power outage in Dayton. All of a sudden the pesos on my satchel lit up and a ball of light appeared and flew around the room until it hit Katy, me, and some other kids. The ball hit me last and it stuck on my chest for at least three or four seconds then went back into the pesos on my bag that was the last me, Katy, and the other kids that had been hit saw before we passed out and I thought is this just happening to us but little did I know that it was happening everywhere in the world.

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