Chapter 24

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Lycins are kind natured creatures unless they feel threatened. They act like normal puppies just wanting to play. Loyal, playful and aggression are the traits they carry on a daily bases, but anger them and there’s no return or survival.

   “Anika! You have to stop sooner or later. Rayne’s not following us any more.” Osheianna was trying to get me to stop by attempting to jump off my back.

    “You may want to put your life up for grabs, but I don’t. Once Rayne is given a reason to hunt, he will, even if it’s the same creatures that gave him their traits. He’s out to destroy. There’s one thing about Rayne that you may not know.”

I rounded a corner and headed down the stairs still in stride.

    “What are you talking about Anika, you’re not making sense.”

Setting Osheianna down and realizing we were in the throne room, I spoke.

    “Rayne can become a similarity of the devil. The anger held in for a while could make him go on a rampage. Bloodlust is what he’ll start craving.”

I had just finished speaking as the third door on the right flew open. Five Lycins pawed their way through the small doorway. Snarling, they showed their 3inch set of teeth considering they ranged from 5-7 feet tall. They were different shades of black, grey brown and white. Not one the same.

    “The castle is being attacked!” Osheianna seemed scared for her life, as I could visibly see she was shaking.

I thought they were going to charge once they were only ample handfuls away from us but their eyes changed emotions and the playful side showed up in front of us.

The snowy white Lycin, which was second tallest, spoke.

    “We’ve been anxiously awaiting your return Mother Anika.”

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