Chapter 2

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'It seems everywhere i go hes there' Jessica writes down in her notebook.

It was last period which was English again.

( Flash Back To Lunch)

"ohh me? I'm simply a person who just wishes you would....................go to sleep......." He says.

"w-what do you w-want" She says.

"For you to go to sleep and never return my precious" He said.

'wait did i just say precious?' he asks himself.

"B-but whats your name?" Jessica asks really not wanting to know.

He snaps out of him crazy mind and smiles his creepy one.

His smile makes Jessica's mind flow with fear.

"Im Jeff...........Jeff The Killer" He says.

Jessica's mind questioned at the word 'killer' as she pondered at the thought she looks up to 

where the 'killer' stood he was no longer there.

( End if Flash Back )

It was the last minute of class Everyone walked out.

"Hey Jessica can you stay and help me clean up?" The teacher asks.

Jessica nods and helps.

'knock knock knock' Jessica looks twords the window.

She hadent notice it started to rain.

'knock knock knock' she hered again.

"ohh its probebly the wind" Ms. Miller says.

'ohh its most deffinitly not' the wind' Jessica thought to herself.

''s Jeff'

'knock knock knock'

Jessica walks up to the window.

The lightning strikes.

"ahhhhhhhh" 'crash' 

Jessica turns around there on the floor in a pool of blood was Ms.Miller.

"I told her to go to sleep........" Jeff says.

Jessica turns around looking to where his voice is coming from.

He was not in room not in sight.

'where are you' she thnks in her head knowing that he could here him.

'...................................... in your mind.....................'

I love you, you kill me (jeff the killer love story)Where stories live. Discover now