The unexpected letter

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It was a warm day as the Monty family sat happily on the emerald green grass, eating a small banquet. The sun was finally setting on the four backs Mr and Mrs Monty, Selestia and Little Percy, Mrs Monty was brushing her fingers through Percy's brown hair, as Selestia was pulling the wish bone from the demolished chicken with her father. The bone snapped, Mr Monty won. As the now 11 year old Selestia was very competitive, and she grabbed the bigger half and squealed when the snapped bone cut the palm of her sweaty palm. Although it was a small cut, it still hurt. She looked at the wound and stared, the cut vanished. Mr Monty was not as surprised as he could of been but he still was shocked.

The truth was Selestia was a witch and her father was a squib (a person who is born into a wizarding family, but cannot perform anything magical) he didn't tell her this, he was afraid she would turn out the same way. He only told his wife after his six-year-old son, Percy, was born. Another shock followed Mrs.Monty, her son was diagnosed with cancer, that led to her giving less attention to five-year-old Selestia, that led to her father giving her more attention, making her boisterous, competitive and a pranker. His wife didn't mind about him being from a magical family, who were now dead because of a un-speakable murderer.

Events like this had happened before. Selestia had once set fire to a girls pig tails, who called her "messed up" and a "freak", no one could blame her, but her father had a suspicion that the fire came from her charcoal eyes. She also once had let a squirrel levitate away from rather large boy who was poking it nastily with a stick, that happened to end up in his eye. (The stick, not the squirrel.)

"Daddy?" Selestia spoke. In shock of her actions. Although she knew she wasn't very normal, this was strange for her, as she was oblivious to her abilities.

"Yes my Honey." He said quietly. But suddenly an large barn owl swooped down and landed on the grass. Mrs. Monty looked up and looked at her daughter proudly, she knew what was happening.

"Look Mummy an owl!" Percy squeaked with excitement. Being the courageous girl she was, Selestia walked up and stroked the owl. She notice he letter clasped in the owls razor sharp beak. She was tempted to snatch the letter, but she looked at her Father for permission, he nodded stiffly, slightly jealous. So she carefully, but quickly grabbed the letter it stated:

Miss S. Monty

The Second Largest Room

18 Wendy Avenue

Hane street


Selestia was shocked and excited to see that the writer knew which room was her's. She went to sit on her dad's lap and opened the letter, very messily. Her mother hurried over with Percy, who was unusually quiet. Selestia broke the seal, which was red and had a smudged crest resembling four sections.

The whole family was now sitting in a huddle looking at the yellow-ish piece of parchment. Her dad snatched it off her.

"Dad!" she started.

"Honey we need to explain a few things first." He said calmly.

"You are no ordinary girl of eleven, you are bright, pretty and strong, but you are also a witch, not one with a spot half way down her massive green nose. But no you are someone who can perform magic and do spells. That letter is from Hogwarts where your Grandpa and Grandma went before they were killed by an awful wizard. But unfortunately and most tragically I was not blessed with the gift of magic, I am a squib, one who is born into a wizarding family, but I am not magical, but you are. Do you remember when you set fire to Melody's pig-tails, when you made that squirrel fly, that's because of you're magical, love, you are!" He finished, while his daughter sat in amazement. A cheeky smile grew onto her face.

"Go on sugar open it!" Her mother cheered.

Selestia passed the letter to her father, it read:

Dear Miss Monty,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find a list of equipment enclosed.

Term begins September 1st. We await your owl no LATER that 31st August.

Yours sincerely 

Minerva McGonagall.

Selestia read the letter over and over. She read until her dad finally said: " We need to send the owl back now, saying you'll be there!"

"I love you Daddy!" she said happily, and hugged her dad.

Mr. Monty picked up the owl and took him inside as Percy followed galloping. But Selestia and her mother stayed as she looked at the second letter, it told her everything she needed, the books, the wand, the uniform and more exciting stuff.

"Where on earth are we going to find all this?" Selestia asked.

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