Chapter 1

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A/N Hello guys! This is the preview to my new Sherlock Holmes fanfiction! It will be called Hacking the Consulting Detective! I hope you all enjoy this preview, there will be no crossovers of anything like that in this story! Sadly I wont be able to start posting this until I finish two to three of my current books! Enjoy guys I hope you like this story!



      Elise Adler looked up from her keypad at the computer screen, her hacking program was telling her that the banks firewalls were doing a good job of fighting off her hack. She swore under her breath as she worked faster and racked her brain for a solution, as the solution came to her she moved her fingers quicker as the banks firewalls finally collapsed.

    She let out a little squeal as she quickly began to transfer her client’s money, whose assets had recently been frozen due to an IRS investigation, into a brand new bank account under another name.

     After she had transferred all of her clients funds, she transferred her payment into one of her many personal accounts, once the 1.5 million dollar fee was tucked safely away in one of her many personal accounts, she programmed the banks computer to think that her client’s funds were still all where they were supposed to be. And then she put the firewalls back up.

    Elise knew that eventually the bank would catch on to her little scheme, but by then it would be too late. They had no way to prove her client had stolen the money and she would be somewhere no one would ever expect. The way she figured it, she had about a week to cover whatever of her trail remained, and then lay low for a few months before doing another job.

     She shut down her computer and then checked her watch, the whole job had taken her less than eight minutes. It was good, but she had and could do way better than that. She stood up and walked out onto the balcony of her beachfront hotel room. As she stepped out, her open button up shirt billowed around her revealing nothing but her matching lace underwear.



    She stared out over the peaceful blue green waters of the south of France and took a deep breath of salt air. After a few minutes she went back inside and pulled out her personal non-work laptop.

     She turned it on and then set about booking one first class plane ticket to London England. She hadn’t been too London in a long time, the last time she was there it was for a job and she hadn’t stayed long enough to look around.

    “But this time I will be!” Elise muttered happily to herself as she got up and went to her closet. Her flight left at eight a.m. tomorrow morning, so she figured she might as well start packing. As she brought clothes out of the closet and threw them onto the bed her phone started to ring.

   She groaned as she went over and looked at the screen, it was her sister, Irene. “Why are you calling me?” Elise muttered to herself as she accepted the call and put the phone to her ear.

Hacking the Consulting Detective. (A BBC Sherlock fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now