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I'm sorry that this is not an update!! I usually don't do these but I just feel like there are some really important things that need to be said about this story.

Just because I write something does not mean I condone it or think it's acceptable behavior.

So, some of you have sent me (somewhat angry) messages or written comments in regards to Alpha Night's abusive behavior, particularly in Chapter 12 with the sexual content. Here's what my response is to that. The scene that happens in Chapter 12 is in no way supposed to be romantic. It's actually an extremely complicated scene and it's supposed to be dark, unsettling, and melancholy. Whenever you're dealing with something like sexuality, there are always multiple layers involved--be it lust, pain, expression, fear, love, etc. One of the main underlying themes of this story is that nothing is black and white. If my story makes you feel confused, emotional, sad, disheartened, unsettled, etc., then you're reading it right!

Some of you may have noticed that the Alpha truly believes that if he is not physically hurting Lily then he isn't doing anything wrong. He's an existentialist, really. Is that okay? Of course not. But that's the way he is at this point. He's a character. He isn't a hero or someone to look up to. He's just a complicated and very grey character. Also, you have to remember that the werewolf world is a whole other world. The Alpha has been alive for 100s of years and so you have to consider that our rules about sexual abuse, feminism, and proper behavior may not be relevant for him.

And for those of you who didn't have any problem with Chapter 12: that's okay! Let me tell you a theory I have about dark stories. Do you know why some people like to read about dark people falling in love? I don't think it's because they're sadistic or "messed up", or because they like to see people in pain. It's because there's so much evil in this world and we all know it. Love is the brightest part of human life--it's pure goodness. So when all of that evil is personified into a character and then that character falls in love, it gives us hope that evil does have limits and that no one is truly a monster. It gives evil a weakness. Because really, is there anything more horrifying than something that is 100% unsusceptible to love? I don't know, feel free to disagree.

And for those of you who just absolutely despise Alpha Night: that's perfectly fine too! You have every right to. He's an abusive character, no doubt, and he's got some serious issues. Maybe you just appreciate him for his literary value. Or maybe as a villain. Whatever the case, we all think differently.

But anyway, please just know that if I'm writing about something disturbing, that doesn't mean I'm supporting it. I'm really not supporting anything-I'm just telling a story. This is fiction. If it's too dark or triggering or anything like that, that's perfectly okay!! I know that my writing isn't for everyone. But you should know now that this story will not be butterflies and rainbows--at least not for a long, long time. There's a long road ahead and there are going to be many other disturbing things in this story. If you're willing to embark on this crazy journey with me, then that's great and I love you for it! But just know what lies ahead.

This was a really long note and I'm sorry for that! I can't even tell you how thankful I am for all of the positive feedback that I've gotten. You've all made my dream come true as a writer<3 so thank you from the bottom of my heart and expect an update soon! If you have an questions, as always, feel free to message me of comments. I'll always answer. :)

Oh and Happy New Years!

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