First Time?!

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Warning: This chapter does contain sexual content and if you do not wish to read it then please do not proceed any further. You have been warned. (Forced Lemon Ahead!)[No worries there's no rape, just a little force]


You don't know when but at some point during his soft kisses you had wound your legs around his hips, pulling him closer. "Ayato," You breathed, urging him on. This only made the man atop you growl lustfully and grind on you again. This made you clench your legs and tug at his hair lightly, wanting more.

"Stop teasing me Y/N." Ayato ordered, grabbing your hands and pinning them beside your head. He licked his lips, eyes wandering over your entire body. The smirk on his face only grew and you could practically see the gears turning in that sadistic head of his. His hands squeezed your wrists causing you to curl your fingers and whimper quietly.

Soon enough, he let go of your wrists and kissed them. The hem of your nightgown was lifted higher as Ayato pressed into you more, groaning pleasurably. "Ayato," You started as you bit your lip. "Take your shirt off." Your hands now freed wandered over his chest and made their way to the end of his shirt, pulling it up slightly. Enticing him seemed to work because he quickly yanked his upper clothes off, dispersing them across your room.

"Now your turn." He whispered seductively, slipping his hands under your nightgown and raising it above your head. Your H/L H/C hair sliding against the silky fabric. You were embarrassed now that you were clad in your F/C underwear. You tried to cover yourself up as you blushed deeply. "Stop hiding." He demanded, wrenching your arms from your body again.

This only made you more embarrassed as you tried to hide your face in the bed, craning your neck to do so. Not caring, Ayato slipped his thumbs in the sides of your underwear, starting to pull it down. Your eyes widened and you tried to press you legs together, but Ayato was preventing you. Your body wriggled and squirmed, trying to make him stop, but to no avail, he had quickly slid them off of your bare legs.

"Stop it." You pleaded, tears threatening to fall onto your red face. One of his hands started to caress your thigh as the other skimmed up your ribcage with his fingertips. Such actions made you shiver and close your eyes in pleasure. Though your bottom half was exposed and you were still quite uncomfortable with the situation, you tangled your fingers back in Ayato's red locks, massaging his scalp.

Suddenly, you felt hands upon your breasts, squeezing them roughly. You instantly opened your eyes and whimpered in pain. "It hurts Ayato." You said, your voice straining.

"Shut up." He replied as he started to lick the top of your breasts.

"Mnn...." You bit your lip to muffle any sounds that might make Ayato want to hurt you more and clawed at his head. His hand made it's way under your waist and lifted it up while his other hand tucked itself under your body and swiftly unclipped your bra. You squealed as he tore it from your body, exposing you further. You hands instinctively went to cover your breasts, but Ayato quickly stopped you as he bent down and sucked on one of them.

You gasped and curled your fingers in the bed sheets. "Ayato," He pinched the other one harshly causing you to squirm and squeal at the same time. Your blush was deepening further as Ayato's tongue played with your breast. He soon switched to the other one and applied the same moves. This was not fair. You thought, looking at Ayato's clothed bottom half. As he released your sore breast, your hands had made their way to his erection and pet it through his black pants. Doing this simple action made him growl lowly and bite your breast. You yelped and stopped touching the tent in his trousers.

He looked into your E/C eyes and let go of your chest. You could feel the bite mark form when he let go and you pouted. "You didn't have to bite." You slightly scolded him. He just smirked and lifted your legs back up to his hips. After positioning you, he unzipped his pants and tugged it down along with his boxers. He leaned over you and smashed his lips to yours.

You made a muffled sound and clawed at his pale back as his tongue slid against yours skillfully. You were becoming overwhelmed by the heated kiss as his lips melded against your now bruised ones. The feeling was so great that it had stopped all of your thinking processes and your body was moving on its own. You could feel his heated flesh against your entrance as his grinded on you once more. Blushing, you massaged his back with your fingertips, trying to entice him more.

"Damn it," He whispered as he pulled away from you and leaned to your already bitten and swollen neck. You only panted and wrapped your legs tightly around his waist as he bit into you. You hissed in pain as he sunk his teeth deeper into your throat, drawing more blood.

Then, there was pain, searing pain that came from your lower region. You yelped and whimpered as tears pricked your eyes. Now knowing that Ayato had fully thrusted into you, you slapped his chest and tried to push him away. He hadn't even warned you. What a jackass! You mentally exclaimed, tears rolling down your cheeks. You sniffled and tried to wipe your eyes. He continued to suck you and ignored your resistance as he began to pull out of you and thrust back in. You clawed at him more and tried to push him off of you. The pain was overwhelming and it was as if your body couldn't take much more.

"Shut your damn mouth." He ordered gently, kissing you again.

"Mnnn..." You tried to resist him again, but he was just too strong. He was overpowering you and it pissed you off to no end.

This cruel torture went on for what felt like hours but was actually only a few minutes long. The pain slightly subsided but it still dominated the pleasure that you barely felt. It kept going in and out of you and you didn't know how to feel anymore. You liked Ayato, but this was too much for you to handle. He wouldn't stop pushing into you and it was uncomfortable and almost unbearable. "Ay-Ayato......" You managed to say through clenched teeth.

The both of you were sweating and you body heat was mingling. This part you enjoyed because you almost felt loved by the sadistic red-headed vampire. But you knew all too well that he didn't feel that way about you. You could hear Ayato groan and grunt above you, obviously concentrated on pleasuring himself. You wrapped your limbs around him, finally giving into him as he finished.

Soon after that, he had pulled away from you, not giving you a kiss or saying a single word. He just lay next to you on his side, not facing you. More tears had emerged as he pulled the blanket over his body and began to sleep. Anger and sadness had controlled your emotions and you turned on your side as well, grabbing part of the blanket and covering your naked form with it. Closing your tear-filled eyes, you tried to sleep. 

Whew! Holy Crap!! I finally finished this chapter. YAAAYYYYY!!!! This actually took me all day and I hope guys really enjoy it. Also this is my first lemon so hopefully it's not too bad. Sex scenes are kind of fun to write but also a bit hard, but worth it. 😊 See you 'til the next chapter readers.

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