The exorcism

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Father James Carval was a ordained priest. Ten years ago, he had become an exorcist, and he had been an exorcist ever since. He had never seen a case such as this though. The woman who was possessed, was lying in a bed, her leg stretched out behind her neck, pale as a sheet, her pupils dilated to the fullest. Her arm was touching the back of her leg, and she was twisted, looking like a pretzel shape. Small dots of blood blotted the covers. Her hair was stingy, mangly, wiry, dirt and sweat running its course through it. James stepped into the room where the possessed woman lie, dressed in a black uniform reserved only for the priests at Holy Catholic Church, his hair jet black, slicked back with hair gel. He held a thick bible in his hands, the King James Version, and a crucifix necklace hung across his neck. He had small, golden studs of crossed piercing through his ears.

As he entered the room, he nearly cringed as he looked that the despaired woman, lying there in an oblong shape. He got his things ready and dragged a stool over. James grabbed a syringe from the table beside the bed, presumably filled with drugs, and slipped it softly under her pale and deteriorating skin. The drug caused the woman, who seemed to be frozen in time, to unravel herself. Her leg came out from behind her back and her arm twisted around, the muscle socket popping. The woman's face was mangled with hatred and pure evil, her dilated eyes looking as if they were crimson red, as if the devil himself was possessing her, which in all likeliness of exorcisms, was possible. James sat down on the stool and looked her over, flipping through the bible.

“In the name of God, drive this being away from this innocent woman,” said the priest. “Bring this demon out of this woman. Dear God, our savior, who died on the cross for us, expel this demon from this woman!”

The woman laughed. “God is not ansssswering you, priest.” She said this in several different tongues at once. “I don't wanna be helped you filthy pig.”

“Yes you do, it is just the demon talking Maddie. You want to be saved, need to be saved, you need this demon out of you,” said James.

“No. It is not God's will!” shouted the woman. “It is...” And she started to have convulsions. She screamed, an earsplitting scream, a bloodcurdling scream, and with all her power, pushed James back, until he slammed into the wall, the breath knocked out of him. He slowly tried to get up, but the woman was acting wild, shrieking beyond belief, mumbling things in other tongues, and at that moment James new this demon was something new; perhaps even the devil himself.

He raised the crucifix in his hand. “Dear Lord, expel this demon from the innocent woman...she doesn't deserve it. Father please help this woman. Begotten One. Destroy the demon in all it's power before the woman does—

It was too late.

The woman scrambled off the bed. James let out a shout as the woman jumped on the walls, climbing up them. The demon had given her supernatural abilities. James screaming, racing toward Madeline, the cross outstretched in his hand. He was shouting prayers at the woman, trying to get the demon to go away—to get the hell out—but nothing was working—

The screamed. “Get the fuck away from me you GODLY FUCKING SCUM!!” screamed the woman through the voice of the demon. She was a puppet. “I don't need your little God around here priest. I got my own type of—“

“Is it true that before all of this, you were a good, God faring christian who went to church each Sunday. Is that true? And now this demon has—“

“Would you like to know. And what if I don't fucking tell you huh? It is none of your business. Now leave you damn priest, if you know whats good for you.” The woman said this through the demon's raspy voice. She jumped down from the ceiling and landed on her hands and feet. James was gasping. He had never faced this before. Most of the exorcisms he had faced were a lot more peaceful than this.

Madeline D'Arcy had been possessed at the age of twenty, but the demon wasn't found inside of her until ten years later. She was admitted to a mental facility after admitting to police of a brutal murder that shocked a small town. The bodies had been drained of blood. Mystics thought that it was some blood sacrifice like what the Mayans did, but then, Madeline confessed and she was imprisoned in the hospital. While locked up, she had had episodes of hysteria, paranoia, and screaming because of some nightmares she supposedly had. She had seizures often, and pretty much everyday she was brought into a operating room type thing where she was examined, and the doctors in the place couldn't find anything wrong with her. That was, until, visiting day. Madeline's brother, Mark, had been a priest, and he was visiting Madeline one day. But something happened that day ten years after the brutal murders.

Her pupils were dilated, which Mark took close notice of. And she was muttering things. And she began to scream and scream and scream and—

Mark told the doctors, much to the ignorance of them, that his sister was possessed, and that he would have to perform the exorcism to ensure his sister would stay alive. The doctors laughed him off, telling him that she was mentally ill, and there was no such thing as demon possession; the doctor told him it was bullshit. But Mark knew it wasn't. Many years ago, when he was a young priest, he had seen an exorcism, felt the presence of a demon. At that time, though he was a priest, his beliefs strayed away from God, and he was thinking about quitting the priesthood, but when he saw the demon inside the woman, he knew he would need to stay a priest, that it was his calling.

So he performed an exorcism on his sister.

Something, though, went terribly wrong.

She pushed him back, in the wall, and he had screamed. The lights flashed out for a half a second and Mark's body was found, slumped against the wall, blood covering his entire body, intestines

coiling out of his body like two boa constricters.

Madeline was still in the bed, blood covering her mouth.

She was taken to a new ward.

Another priest, father James had been hired to perform another he had never before performed.

James looked, stunned at the woman. She was babbling now, something inaudible, but it was something that could be faintly heard; something in different tongues. James advanced upon her and lunged. He grabbed her, tackling her onto the bed, and she thrashed around, kicking and screaming, shouting obscenities at the priest who was trying to subdue her. James touched her with the crucifix and she let out an animal like howl that reverberated throughout the room, creating an echo of sorts, as if they were on the foot of the Grand Canyon screaming. “Expel this demon from My Lord, let this demon leave her and let Satan, the Unholy one perish in the light of Your Greatness.” She thrashed and screamed. The demon was buried within her. “Lord have mercy on her soul and let the darkness be cast away and banished from her. What sin has she committed to deserve this Lord?”

“I have committed no such sin...I have been...”


“No you FUCKING FOOL!!!” screamed the demon. “SHE IS NOT HERE!! I HAVE COMPLETELY TAKEN OVER!!” Another scream. James was desperate. He needed the demon out of the woman. He needed Madeline to listen to the Word of God.

“God is with you. He always has been. And He is with you in this time of struggle, as you battle the demon within—“

“No. God is not with me. He never was. I have never believed in a such a thing—I...” She suddenly shot up to the ceiling.

(What the fuck is happening to her...I need to help, need to, but how? How? She won't listen to anything I am...)

The woman screamed. Her arms were outstretched, her legs bent back, her mouth wide open, revealing teeth so yellow they looked like the sun. A sudden rumbling was coming from deep within her throat, as if a wolf or a lion was trapped inside her. James held out the cross.

“Expel the evil from her—“

“Too late. There is nothing you can do now.”


There is nothing you CAN MOTHERFUCKING DO!!!” The woman lunged. The last thing James saw was the woman spiraling through the air and a flash of red, blood and gore splattering across the walls in a neat pattern. After the priest was killed, Madeline eviscerated her self.

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