The Exultation of Manuel Madera

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Embracing, we wept together
Tucked deep inside the abyss of bliss,
Gazing side to side, to a horizon of never,
And beneath the grace, we shared a kiss.

I fantasized the touch, and so I awoke,
To find a dolorous pity sleeping aside.
O, I mourn and mourn to stoke
An unblushing love, as strong as a tide.

Among the many streets of cold and cool
Sit trees, sublime and old, releasing sighs.
Not atrabilious sighs, no! Don't be a fool!
Sighs of compassion! of love! My oh my!

I wish for stars, to glow a path for you,
Circling around your feet, you'll walk so beautifully.
The skies, yes they entangle with a cloud or two,
But darling when they hold you, do you not feel wonderfully?

You did break me, and you did choke me,
It wasn't comical to feel, not comical to see.
I suffocate on time, every day I come to see
Just a wasting love, wasting memories in the sea.

So if you did hurt me, I care no more
Because the past is but past
And who am I to impede you to soar,
To glow, to love, to live, to last?

I am happy, of course I am! Yet why
In this most sad moment of reality
Am I wondering if I deserve to die,
If I have been consumed by insanity?

Happiness is what I always desired,
Happiness is lovely and greatly admired.
But, exultation isn't what you need.
You need to love, you need to read.

Read what?
Read where?
Read, read, read.
What do we really need.

Exultation, just a lovely fabrication
Of the mind, of lovely mankind.
We remain here in suspended animation,
To discover what I hide in my mind.

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