The Thoughts

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1. Be thankful for who you are. God makes no mistakes

2. Thank God for what all you have. They are blessings.

3. The only great weapon you can use when you're in solitary is believing in yourself.

4. Travel the longer road. It is more rewarding in the end.

5. Do not overthink problems. You're making them a heavier burden to you.

6. Treat everyone as you want to be treated by others.

7. There's no lucky person. Consider them blessed.

8. Respect others.

9. You cannot please everybody. Do what makes you happy.

10. There's a big difference between a dream and a wish.

11. Wish less. Dream more.

12. Imperfection is beautiful.

13. Work hard for excellence, not for perfection.

14. You can criticize. But do not judge.

15. Do not care about what others think of you. Always remember that there are always who hates you. But never forget that there are more who loves you.

16. Smile at your haters. Leave them behind you.


18. Homosexuals must be respected. Respect them.

19. Keep your judgmental thoughts inside you. Criticize in private.

20. Do not give an opinion if no one asks for it.

21. Move forward even if it is just one step.

22. Move forward. Life is not worth living backwards.

23. Do not be afraid to ask for second chances.

24. Do not hesitate to give someone a second chance.

25. If you have done a mistake, say a sincere "Sorry."

26. Never make the same mistake twice.

27. Always say "Thank you" for those who had helped you.

28. Forgive your enemies but never forget their names.

29. Use your freedom in a good and productive way.

30. Know your goals and purposes.

31.  Do not cheat. Stay single or stay faithful.

32. Keep reminding yourself that you're different from others.

33. Every woman is beautiful.

34. We are special in our own ways.

35. Express yourself. Do not keep your emotions inside you.

36. Change is the only constant in the world.

37. Meet new friends but cherish the old ones.

38. Do not take someone's hope if that's all he/she have.

39. Fight for your convictions. Stand for it!

40. Make a plan for your future.

41. Do not be afraid to communicate with everybody. It won't lost you anything.

42. Always use your wit and skill to keep going better.

43. Know your priorities in life.

44. You will not be able to come to the place you want to go if you keep staying on where you are now.

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