First Nations Myth

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Long ago, before everything is as it is now, the birds and squirrels hated each other. And they had every reason to, for they were of different elements. The birds lived for the sky and savoured the feeling of the wind rushing past them as the flew. Where as the squirrels like the stable feeling of running along the ground as they played all day long.
One day this all changed. The goddess of nature decided that the sky and ground should be united as one, and to do this she planted a tree. Now this tree was not just any tree, but the first tree to ever be. This tree would be the one to unite the sky and ground, and all the beings with it, as one. But when the birds and squirrels heard of this, they were quite doubtful. How could such a small little stick unite them?
Days soon turned to months, and quickly an entire year had passed. Thought no growing happened between the birds and squirrels, there had been a significant amount of growth between the ground and the sky. For that tiny little twig of a tree, was now as tall as a mountain, and as thick as the lush grass below. The leaves were a vibrant green, and waved as the wind passed through the air. The bird and squirrels gathered around in awe, but the silence didn't last long, for soon enough, an argument broke out. Both the birds and squirrels wanted to have the glorious piece of wood. Unfortunately for them, this gift was not meant to be hoarded by one alone, but was to be graciously shared with all who wished to have it. Without knowing this, the birds and squirrels continued to bicker, that is until the goddess of nature appeared with a loud boom of thunder. "STOP",she declared,"This tree is not one of greed, therefore it is to be shared among whomever wants it, or it will disappear!" With a final strike of lightning the goddess vanished into the air.
Understanding the consequences that would arise should the birds and squirrels continued to fight, they settled down and decided to put aside their differences. Surprisingly, both the bird and squirrels ended up getting along quite well after what happened. And to this day, if you look real closely, you might even see them playing together.

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