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The three men walked through the city, the sergeant and the private in front. Felix, the medic, stayed behind them, having only a pistol to defend himself since he was a pacifist and didn't want a powerful weapon.

"Where are all the people?" Ed whispered, keeping his gun lowered as he scanned the deserted streets. "The pictures they showed us had tons of civilians in them--"

"Shut up," Gavin whispered, looking up at the buildings. "We aren't alone."

"If we get separated, we'll all meet up at the doctor's house, understood?" Felix asked, handing Ed and Gavin a map. "I don't want this to end up like a horror movie where we all split up and die in gruesome ways."

Ed shoved the paper into his pocket quickly, not wanting to take his eyes off the surrounding buildings. He froze when he saw a man standing at the end of the street. Nudging his sergeant and pointing at said man, he whispered, "It's a civilian."

Gavin pointed his gun at the guy and studied him. The person's head hung to the left unnaturally and his body was shaking from head to toe. "That's ain't no civilian," the sergeant whispered. "Don't take your eyes off it."

The three men stared at the figure, waiting for it to make a movie. It didn't. Felix turned back and looked behind him nervously. He jumped when he saw that a group of ten people were sneaking up on them.

"Sir!" he yelled seconds before one of them leapt toward him. He shot it in the head and backed up, shaking nervously.

Gavin turned and started firing at the people as they toward them. His bullets knocked them down one by one like dominoes. The one man in front of them had been a distraction so the others could attack unnoticed. If Felix hadn't been there, all of them would be dead.

"Don't shoot!" Ed yelled. "We don't know if they want to harm us!"

"Why else would they sneak up on us?" Gavin yelled back as he continued mowing them down. He paused to reload and looked around at the large crowd. "There's too many. Run for it!"

Ed and Felix obeyed and ran down the street, followed by their leader. They ducked down an alley in the direction of their destination. The civilians continued pursuing them.

The private was suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled into a doorway. The person who had grabbed him, a young woman, pushed him to the ground and drove a fork through his shoulder. Ed screamed as he felt it tear through his flesh and he struggled to shoot her in the face with his other hand.

The woman fell on top of him, getting blood all over his clothes. He shoved her from him, moaning in disgust, and sat up, trying to decide what to do. Luckily, the wound wasn't that bad and he managed to remove the fork easily. Bandaging his shoulder was simple and quick.

What had possessed her to do that? He looked over at her dead body. She was only five feet tall. How had she managed to push her down? He was way bigger than she.

He picked his bloody gun off the floor and began crawling through the kitchen he'd landed in. His partners were probably long gone. Gavin clearly would have assumed he'd died and went on without him. What a surprise.

The young man struggled behind a table and took a deep breath, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. The rumors he hadn't wanted to believe were true. Now, he had to reach the doctor's house all by himself. Breathing heavily, he peeked out from his hiding spot and looked around.

Many of the people who had attacked them were walking about in the street, glaring at each other and sniffing the air like dogs He'd have to stay quiet. In the silence, he heard rapid breathing from the other side of the room. It came from a small boy he hadn't noticed before. The child was sitting behind a curtain.

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