Maybe it was the buzz of the music drifting out of the small 60's diner just off route 26. Could it possibly have been the flicker of a blue and red flickering neon sign hanging in the window shining 'Open' out to the world though, not a single car passed. The 2am vibes of loneliness and tired dreams that would never go away.
I sighed as a drop of rain splashed into my slightly freckled face, followed by three more. My slightly busted pickup was In Front of me in the parking lot .After Putting out my cigarette I walked to the rust bucket of freedom and opened the door. I was welcomed by squeaky hinges and the familiar smell of nicotine and febreeze. Sighing and locking my doors I looked into the backseat only to see the silent face of a young cat staring back at me. "I'll feed you, just wait a moment" I said; my voice coming out soft and sweet as if the cat was a small child.
I stepped over the seat and sat in the back next to the cat. The poor thing hadn't been named yet, I didn't even know what to name it...maybe something simple. Once more the cat looked at me and I sighed. "Wait." I said and reached underneath the seat and pulled out a dish and a bag of cat food that I had bought two days ago. The music from the diner was still audible from the car. Somehow it left a comforting feeling behind.
After placing the dish on the floor in the middle of a small blanket so it didn't move I grabbed my sweat shirt and put it on. The temperature wasn't low...but it wasn't too warm either. The small cat meowed in thanks is what I assumed and began eating. I grabbed an apple from the bag I reluctantly took out of a carriage after it had been abandoned only ten minutes before. That wasn't stealing...I think?
I started my car and it came to life with a rumbling engine. Pulling out of the parking lot and driving down the lifeless highway was a breeze. The radio lulled softly in my ear and the cat purred. I had only found him three days ago, eating out of a garbage can and itching fleas.
Of course I had to find a place to bathe him...and apparently rest stops aren't good places to bathe flea infested cats but, it worked so who cares?
The blinding light of headlights flashed across my eyes. Slightly surprised I looked only to see another lifeless soul driving home from a night job only to go home and waste their own life and complain. I never will understand the external world and its ways.
I pulled my car in the back of a rest stop parking lot and shut it off. Instead of my car radio I turned on a little battery powered one that blinked when there was no signal. I picked up the black and white cat who was purring loudly and sighed. "I'll name you...Tux" I said softly to it. I pulled out two blankets and my pillow from under the seat and laid the first one on the seat then my pillow. I looked at the cat and patted a spot next to me. "It's all right" I said to the fluff ball and fell asleep.
Random collection of stories
FantasíaA collection of potential stories and short stories