Chapter 30

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Harry's P.O.V

My phone trembled in my hands as I burst through the doors of the abandoned and rundown hotel where Charlie had taken Scarlet hostage. I had been trying to locate him for half an hour now, but the place was huge and he was good at staying hidden. I was still waiting for Cooper to give me word on Amber, but so far, I had heard nothing and I knew that time was running out. I could smell blood in the air, mixed with the clear scent of sweat and fear. I looked around and felt a cold shiver run down my spine as adrenaline pumped through my veins. The place was empty - deserted. The walls smeared with blood and dirt. It reminded me of the places I had seen when, I myself, worked for Charlie. It brought back some chilling memories of all the bad things I had done when I was like him. And I was like him, at one point.

The sound of his sinister laugh echoed from behind me, causing me to spin around quickly. I came to a halt and stood frozen when my eyes met his with a hatred I never knew anyone could ever feel. A warm smile forced it's way onto his face, but his eyes still told the story of his inner darkness.

"Where is she?" I asked, looking over his should to see Troy shadowing him, but Scarlet was nowhere in sight.

"She's resting, of course." He beamed, tilting his head to the side as he took a small step forward.

"Resting for what?" I choked, swallowing down the lump in my throat.

He breathed out and shook his head, raking his fingers through his hair. I couldn't help but notice how old he looked for a thirty-two-year-old. He looked stressed, aged and gray - he looked - worried. It was strange to see him looking so tired and weak. He always seemed so strong and unfazed, which only made me think something was bothering him deep down inside.

"Well, she's taken a few stumbles today. Poor girl can't seem to stop bumping into things." He laughed once, running the fingers on his left hand over the knuckles on his right.

My stomach turned when I saw speckles of dry blood spotted across his cut knuckles. I charged forward, ready to take a swing at him, when Troy stepped out in front of him and took the jaw-shattering blow. Troy fell to the floor, gripping his jaw in his hands as he screeched out in pain, cursing profanity under his breath. I felt my knuckles sting, but shook it off as I looked down at Troy in disgust.

Charlie's eyes glowed with humor as he looked down at his fallen ally, and he chuckled; loud and obnoxious and without sympathy. I scowled at him and dropped my hands to my sides, balling them into tight fists.

"Good to see you still have a killer right hook, Harry. I had forgotten how good of a fighter you were...interesting." He nodded as through he were giving me some sort of secret approval.

"Shut the fuck up!" I snapped, unable to contain my anger. "And tell me where she is."

"Troy!" He screamed, grabbing onto Troy's brown leather jacket, forcing the rugged man onto his feet. "Leave us alone."

Troy nodded, glaring at me angrily as he hurried out of the room, leaving Charlie and I alone. Charlie turned back to face me, satisfied that Troy had gone and that we were alone to talk freely. Something told me he didn't want anyone else to hear what I had to say. Maybe he was afraid I would revel some old and haunting secrets.

"I told you. She is resting." He seethed through gritted teeth. "But if you ask me nicely, I might let you see her before the show." He smiled, his eyes bright and warm - it was sickening how normal he could look. How easy it could be for him to suck innocent people into his twisted mind games.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, unable to imagine the things he had, or would do to her. "Do you really hate me that much that you would kill the only person I have ever cared about?"

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