Two - Toxic Family

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"Why are they here?" I've just finished cleaning up dinner when I see the three of them walk up to our house. 

"I invited them." Mother shrugs, standing up from her seat at the sewing table to open the door for them.

"They aren't real Hamiltons."

"They are as much as you are." Mother opens the door for three of my siblings who moved in with Grandmother. They chose the wrong side as far as I'm concerned. 

"You aren't mad at them?"

"No. Because I understand. Something you can't seem to do." Mother's voice stings. How could she possibly be defending the very children that left her? Who saw something better than the woman who birthed them, and took off?

Vicky, Grace, and Noah walk in, and Mother calls for everyone to gather in the Main Room. Marie comes tramping down the stairs and engulfs her brother in a hug. I sling a towel over my shoulder and go to greet them. After all the hugs they've gotten, I must not be too special. 

"Laine! How's Eric?" Vicky gives me a fake smile, and I return the favor. 

"He's great, thanks for asking. Are you seeing anyone?" I know the answer. She isn't, but she's got a dying crush on Eric. Like he'd give her two glances. 

"No, no one has caught my attention yet." She shrugs, and moves on to the next family member.

"You just missed dinner." I shake my head as I hug Grace. She nods, understanding. I sigh, feeling bad for being harsh on her. I know she just went because Vicky pressured her to. "How have you been?"

"I'm excited to graduate to Second School this year." She smiles. I nod, not trusting myself to not say something snarky.

"How are you, Noah?" I look at my youngest sibling and only brother. He hugs me like you might hug that great aunt you can't remember the name of, not a loved older sister. 

"I'm doing okay." He nods, acting much older than his seven years. Like he was never a child. I guess he was basically raised by my no nonsense Grandmother. 

"Good." I shake my head vigorously to stop the tears from coming. I bite my lower lip and force myself to walk away. Noah was too young to make such a terrible choice. He was attracted to empty promises... 

"How long are they going to be staying?" I turn to Father, who actually is crying at the sight of his children. The children that abandoned him. 

"I don't know. Your Mother didn't tell me they were coming." I swear his voice almost breaks. 

"Mother?" I put the towel back in the kitchen, and go to find Mother, but she's helping Noah with his bag, taking it upstairs. I guess they're staying the night. 

People slowly trickle back upstairs, as I'm sure it's quite late. When only Marie, Aunt Juliette, Grandfather, and I are left downstairs, Aunt Heather stumbles through the door, looking past exhausted.

"Heather!" Aunt Juliette runs up to Aunt Heather and kisses her cheek, taking her bag and leading her to a seat. 

"Why aren't you girls in bed? I didn't close schools, did I?" She collapses into the chair, and Juliette has to basically sit on her lap to fit, after she drops Aunt Heather's bag on the floor.

"There was a murder today. Based on protocol there's no school tomorrow." Marie shrugs, a book in her lap written by Grandfather's friend.

"Oh, that's right. Wasn't it Benny's mother?"

"What?" I perk up, listening intently now.

"Violet Pinkard." Aunt Heather nods. "She and Leif dated for a long time before she chickened out and left him with Benny." 

"I never knew that." 

"He doesn't like to talk about it." Grandfather chimes in.

"Father! What are you doing up? Let me get you to bed!" Aunt Heather stands up, and together she and Juliette start walking him up the stairs. I hear them whispering, and I feel slightly offended they don't think I'm old enough to handle the truth. 

"Come on Marie." I take the book from her, and she grumbles something. 

"Hey Laine?" Her voice is barely above a whisper, and it's almost as if I imagined her saying it. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I put the book back on the shelf, and then go back over to my sister.

"Do you wish you'd gone with Grandmother?"

"No." I shake my head. "I would never abandon Mother and Father. I'd never abandon you."

"It would have been easier."

"But what would have happened, Marie? What would have become of the Hamilton name had we not been there for Mother and Father?"

"Not anything good." Marie nods, her words still hushed. "Thanks Laine."

"Anytime, little one." I stand up, and offer my hand to Marie. "Let's get you to bed."

After tucking Marie in, I walk into my own room to get ready for bed. I take off my skirt and put on the much more comfortable sleep pants. I'm just about to take off my skin tight shirt when there's a sudden rap on my window pane.

 I jump back in shock, clamping my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. It's Eric. I open the window, and he climbs in off the tree branch outside. The night air is chilling. 

"What do you think you're doing here at this hour?" I whisper as violently as I can without raising my voice. 

"Laine, this is no joke." His voice is shaking, as is he, in only a shirt, vest, and pants. I rush to my closet and grab a shawl for him, and he doesn't seem to mind that it's mine.

"What's wrong?" I sit him down on my bed, and wrap my arm around him.

"I have to show you." His voice is still shaky. Scared.

"Where?" I snuggle closer to him, glad to see him even in this state.

"Town Hall." Eric lets out a deep breath, as if glad that I believe him. 

"How?" Town Hall is locked at night, but there's no security. We might be able to get in, break a window or something, but not without people knowing we'd been there. Unless... 

"Can you get your Aunt's keys?" Eric says what I'm thinking, and I nod my head slowly. 

"Maybe, but do you know how much trouble I'd get in if we got caught?" The Hamilton name can easily be tarnished and not easily repaired. Grandmother and Mother taught us that.

"If we get caught I'll tell people we're running an errand for your Aunt." Eric assures me. "Listen honey this is really important." The pleading look in his eyes tell me we have to do this. 

"I can tell." I nod my head and give Eric a quick kiss. "I'll try to get the keys, okay. Stay here and get warm." Eric smiles, and lets me out of the blanket. 

I tiptoe down the hall, hearing the sounds of the night. Aunt Heather and Aunt Juliette are still talking in their room, the light not yet blown out. That doesn't matter, as I remember her bag being downstairs. As long as they don't hear me...


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