Chapter 2

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It's 1st period... Ury lead me here. Unfortunately, Uriel isn't in my class. I was completely alone. I sigh as I sit in the way back. No way I was sitting near the front. Some kids stared at me, but screw them. It will only last for today. Suddenly a girl sits in the desk next to me. "Hey, Castiel, right?" I look over at her. She was younger, she had short, curly ginger hair. She wore a star trek t-shirt with Leonard Nimoy on it. I smile slightly, and nod. She grins, "I'm Charlie," I repeat aw-fully, "Charlie, pretty name, um, just random question, how do you know me?" Charlie smiles and takes out a small notebook. "Well, I know everyone here, and all of their personal secrets and files." Her brown eyes gleamed with happiness as she spoke."I may or may not hack the school's data base." My eyebrow raises. "That's...." I start to say but she finishes my sentence with a, "Scary, uncomfortable?" Charlie chuckles. "Yeah I know, but it's like bully repellent, always works as black mail." I grin, "That's actually pretty smart." Charlie grins proudly. The tardy bell rings. Everyone rushes to their seats. The teacher walks in slamming the door behind him. "Good morning class." Tired voices and unamused voices fill the room with 'good morning'. "Today we have a new kid in class today, Castiel Novak? You here?" The teacher asks. I slowly raise my hand. I speak quietly, " Yeah, I'm here."

"Well Castiel, I'm Mr. Turner." He says. I narrow my eyes at him, he didn't seem like the history teacher type, in fact he didn't seem like the teacher type at all. He had dark skin and brown eyes and a black mustache that matched the color of his buzz cut hair. He sorta seemed like a drunk, he wore a sloppily put on blue jacket, a white t-shirt, gross jeans and beaten up shoes. I nod and decide not to speak. I had nothing to say. Charlie grins, tapping my arm as Mr. Turner starts to talk about the lesson. I turn my head toward her. "Mr.Turner or Rufus Turner has worked here for years, he has no degree in any college, turns out the Football couch got him the job, they are great friends." Charlie tells me in a whisper. I smile slightly, "Hey question, do you have any information on Dean Winchester?" Charlie's eyebrow raises. "Information?" Charlie asks. She grins and looks into my eyes. "Wow... you got a little man crush, huh?"

My eyes widen and whisper fiercely, "No!"

Charlie rolls her eyes, "Cas, come on, it's not a bad thing,"

I stare at her and frown, looking at the ground. "Charlie, it sort of is when no one excepts you..." I mumble.

"Well, I understand, I like girls," Charlie states.

My eyebrow raises, I guess we have a lot in common, besides the liking girls thing. I smirk, " Well, I'm glad someone does."

Charlies smiles and says very low, "Well, anyways onto Dean Winchester, he lives with his Uncle, Bobby Singer, who's the football couch, apparently his dad was a total drunk, beat him almost to death, no one knows why, he just did."

I look to the ground, sympathy rolls around in my stomach. " W-was his dad arrested?" Charlie nods with a sad smile. "Luckily." I looked away from her, a frown upon my face. I blocked the voices around me. I just couldn't get Dean's eyes, his voice out of my head. The first day and I have a stupid puppy crush. This is sooo stupid. I could see Charlie staring at me, she read me like an open book... I knew I couldn't hide anything from her.

After long lectures of 'The Shot around the world', the beautiful ringing of the bell echoes through the school. I smile and stand up, grabbing my books. I didn't even take notes. I know that's gonna bite me in the ass later on. As everyone leaves, I wait till it's just me and a few people. Charlie smiles at me, "Hey, me and my friends would love if you sat at our table at lunch." I grin. "Yeah that would be amazing." I reply happily. Charlie beamed before walking out of the classroom. Wow... not bad Cas. I shake my head with a chuckle. I walk out of the room with a few other people. I quickly head toward my red locker. "Cassie! Yo!" yells a voice. I get tense, and no other than Dean Winchester runs to my side. My eyebrow raises. "Cassie?" I ask. Dean smirked and adjusts his brown leather jacket. "Sorry, you don't like it?" He did call me Cassie?! What the hell? It's only been 1 hour since we met. I mean I loved it. It's just... new. I smile slightly. "No... It's just different." I simply state. He grins, "Anyways, Cas, I was wondering if you needed anyone to walk you to your next class." I stop at my locker and look at him. "I-I don't know, I think I can find my way..." I say weary. "Come on Cas, you can't keep avoiding me." Dean says. I stare at him, into those deep apple green eyes of his. They were full of so many emotions, so many stories. I don't know how i could tell. I just could. A sly grin slides on his face. "Dean, It's literary just been the first few hours of school, not only that but you hit me in the head with a football, that's not really a good way to start a friendship." I reply, opening my locker and shoving my books in there. "Actually my friend Benny threw it to me, technically, Benny hit you in the head with a football." This statement made me laugh. He was so matter-of-fact with things. Always had an answer. How could this boy, be so bad? "An answer for everything, eh, Winchester?" I smirk, staring at him.

He laughed. "Well, Cassie, what's your next class?"

"Dean...." I groan.

"Oh come on, its not going to kill you to tell me." Dean insisted, with a grin on his lips, his eyes shinning with excitement. What was he thinking? "It's my elective, art." I say, my head tilted slightly, my eyes narrowed. "Why don't you skip it?" He says quickly. "Skip it? Why?" I ask curiously. His hands lifted, cupping around the back of his neck. He looked down. "I kinda wanted to show you something..." Dean Winchester spoke softly, as if he didn't want anyone to hear. My eyebrow raises, fear swirled in my stomach. Or was it butterflies... At this point I have no idea what it was. But I felt the Angel and Devil in my mind fight each other for dominance. And to be honest the Devil begging me to go was winning. A smile slips on my lips. "Um... Okay? Sure." I reply. Dean beamed with a beautiful smile. Damnit... maybe I shouldn't have agreed.... but this was my fresh start, I can't be that shy, nerdy kid that lived in South Dakota all his life. I need to make friends, even if its with a kid who is said to be a and I quote "Douchebag." Dean closes my locker and flicks his head, signing me to follow him. My heart skips a beat, and hesitantly, I follow his steps through the maze of kids rushing to their second period classes. That should be me. Rushing toward the class, but now I'm following the boy who apparently 'Rules the School'. Why? I have no clue. Just as the bell rings, Dean walks out of the hallway, by going through the back doors of the school. I, too, go through the red doors. The cool air of morning engulfs us instantly. A small chill forces my body to a small shiver. I blink, looking forward. I saw the giant foot ball field and a ocean of green beyond it, with silver benches on each side. The bell rings, echoing through the empty field. I could smell the freshly, wet smell of cut grass. My eyes adjusted to the light. "You okay there Cassie?" Dean asks. "Sorry, this is all new..." says I. I run my hand through my onyx hair. Dean stared at me, his eyes gleamed. "Come on Cas, Don't you trust me?" he says softly. Dean took ahold of my hand suddenly. My eyes widened, and I quickly jerk my hand away. "We literally met an hour ago. Not only that but I'm-" I start and Dean stares at me and quickly interrupts me, "Y-you don't roll that way?" Dean asks. "What?" Cas asks, he shakes his head. Dean stares at him, his face twisted in confusion. "Look, Dean I am as straight as a rainbow... but I can't really trust someone I've just met." Cas chuckles. Dean's smile reappeared. "Then let me get to know you," Dean smiles mischievously. I stare at him. I couldn't believe it. Was this real? I nod slightly. Dean chuckles and grabs my hand pulling me toward the field, and toward the giant scoreboard on the left side by the benches. Dean stops by the the benches. I

I stand beside "the king of the school". Dean looks behind the benches, grinning and goes under in the shade of the medal seats. I take a deep breath and walk underneath as well. " This is your secret place?" I smirk. Dean looks at me, his green eyes full of awe. Not sure why. "Sure is, no one ever comes down here beside my little brother and I after schools out, or when we need to talk. I tilt my head and adjust my feet on the grassy ground. "You have a brother? How old is he?" I ask curiously as I watch Dean slide down the pole holding up the stands onto the ground. " He's about thirteen, he's in eighth grade." Dean replies, leaning his head against the pole. I walk by him. "He a good kid?" I ask, sitting next to Dean. Dean chuckles and nods. "The best, he'll grow up to be fucking president, or save lives." I look at him, and read his expressions. Just by talking about his little brother made him happy, his face just glowed like beacon. "So Castiel, you have any siblings?" asked Dean. I sort of tense up, then relax. "Yeah, I have 3 older brothers." I reply. "Micheal, Lucifer, and Gabriel." Dean looks over at me and adjusts his butt on the ground. " So your the little brother, huh?" Dean asks.

I let out a small groan, "Yeah, and it is not fun, having your older brother breath down your neck, being a total dick to you."

"Oh" Dean laughs followed by a scoff. "So that's what we older brothers do?"

I laugh, "definitely."

Dean smirks, "Oh wow, thanks for that eye opener." I glance at him and elbows him, slightly making him move. " Cas, you're an ass." Dean insults jokingly. I chuckle and stare down at the strands of grass around my feet. After a small moment of silence, listening to the wind intertwine with the metal above Dean and I. I grinned at the silence, and I grinned because of Dean who was by my side. I barely knew him, but... my crush was strong and.. and.. I think this could work. Two hours into my first day. And I realized that maybe Lawrence could work. Just maybe.

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