New Years

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(Wrote this up for new years because im in love with nico and i have no shame please save me. It's kinda shitty but why the fuck not. Enjoy, lovelys and Happy New Year! Be safe!! :P -your friendly neighborhood sinner)


Gloved fingers dove deeper into the fabric of my pockets. The difference was by no means drastic, but the act sent little tingles through my hands, signaling that they were regaining feeling. Standing silently, my eyes held on the moving water below the bridge, swaying calmly and creating a sense of comfort between Nico and I as we savored the last few moments of the year. Soon the rest of gang would return for their friend to watch the fireworks, and I would take my leave. But for now we stood arm to arm, waiting for that moment to arrive.

"So, what is your resolution for the new year?" I spoke through cold lips, breaking the silence like shattering ice. "Mines to, uh." I thought for a moment, knowing I should have thought of one before starting on the topic. I mentally scolded myself.

"That's so like you. You haven't even thought of one yet!" Nico laughed, giving me a cocky grin. She always seemed to enjoy these kinds of moments. A few times she had quietly mumbled about how cute she thought it to be, before brushing it off with declaring herself the 'cutest ever'. I smiled at the memory.

"You got me there." I chuckled and bumped her with my hip lightly. What I wasn't expecting was the shy look that grew on her face, a blush spread across her soft cheeks. Her lips pulled into a cute pout and she looked to the side, avoiding eye contact.

"My resolution is... To..."

I snickered at the shyness. It was too cute to handle. "Oh my. Nico Yazawa is getting bashful." I teased, wiggling my eyebrows playfully at her. The idol's hue darkened and she huffed angrily.

"S-Shut up! Maybe I don't want to tell you now." She crossed her arms and stuck her nose to the sky. I giggled at her drama and moved a little closer to her, arms pushing into each other.

"I'm just teasing. Tell me, pleease?" I drawled out, shooting her a pair of puppy eyes. This earned me a glance and another huff, followed by her relaxing and turning her head back towards me.

"I want... I want to have my first kiss." She muttered out, just barely above a whisper. I felt my blood run into my cheeks at this and I smiled slightly.

I stayed silent after that, my mind going through various options as I let my eyes trail back to the water. Silence washed back over the two of us and a buzz from Nico's pocket no doubt signaled the soon arrival of her friends. I bit back anxious thoughts and inhaled deeply, the water in my vision giving me a sense of comfort that provoked me to speak once more.

"Have you ever thought about how at this very moment it's already a new year in other parts of the world?" I held let out a breath only to draw in another, the ice from the air creeping down my throat and fraying my nerves a bit more.

The sound of footsteps came from a distance, and I felt Nico's eyes on me. I met them to see a look of confusion. I turned my body towards her and took her chin between my fingers, lightly pulling it towards me and softly pressing my cold lips onto her smooth glossed ones. It didn't take much time for her hands to lightly ghost over my cheeks as she returned the kiss, breaking away just in time for Honoka to dash excitedly around the corner. The remaining seven members trailed behind her happily, greeting a blushing Nico and I before I turned to leave.

A silky hand caught mine and tugged me back, Nico pouting once again and lacing her fingers with mine. "Stay. Please." She mumbled out, and I nodded in response.

I didn't even mind the howls of Rin and Honoka in the background.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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