Time is Slipping Away

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All someone's life, they may say
"I'm going to go to Italy some day"
Every new year, they say
"I'm going to learn Italian this year"
Nobody knows why they want this; family heritage; general interest; a break from everything; nobody knows. All they know is, they nearly want it more then anything else.

Despite this lust and passion for whatever we most want; very seldom is it achieved. Excuses arise.
"I don't have enough money"
"I have kids now"
"I still have the rest of my life to do it"
"Nobody will go with me"
"I'm too young"
"I'm too old"
"I can't get time off from work"
"Time slipped away from me"

Time slipped away

No-matter; we still have the rest of our lives ahead of us.

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