I: Sudden Acquaintance

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After 15 years...

Arauline's Pov

"Hey, buddy, can you help me with these?" These groceries are too heavy.

"Sure, miss." Then he picked up some of the groceries that I can't bring because I bought lots of them.

"Thank you. Now follow me." I lead him to my car.

"Thanks again. Do you want something? Just pick, okay?. It'll be my gift for you, for helping me." He nodded and started looking for the gift he wants. He chose my favorite.

"Well, aren't you clever?" He laughed. It's expensive you know.

"Gary! What are you doing?" I guess this is her sister.

"Oh, I asked him to help me put this groceries inside my car, you see" She's pretty much like his younger brother. She smiled at me and looked at Gary, well that was what she called him so I assume that's his name.

"Gary, mother needs your help-" He cut her and run to his mother, I think. Rude boy. I laughed.

"So, I guess, you also need to go. Am I right?" She nodded. But before she left she asked my name which I also gave. I also asked what's hers. She also has a pretty name, Felicity Smith. Oh, well. Kids, nowadays have cool, and pretty names.

I started the engine of my car and went to my house. I have tons of chores to do. Ugh, holidays.

Kent's Pov

"Yeah, yeah, Mom" I put on my earphones. I really hate when my mom is overreacting. She keeps on talking what should I do and what I shouldn't. Well, I know she's just concerned but it's too much. Don't get me wrong, I'm still listening. I just put on my earphones to let her know that she's making a noise.

I am going to London, alone, so I think that's enough reason for her to talk like that. But I really love this woman, she keeps on supporting me in everything that I do.

"Okay, I'm sorry, Kent" I removed my earphones. Why is she sorry? Something wrong? She read my mind because she said,

"There's nothing wrong, its just. I am really worried about you, you being alone in London. You see, this is your first time. And, and-"

"And I can handle it, Mom. I am 24 after all. Mom, I should be independent by now. You know why I am doing this, right?" She nodded. "So please, I already know what to do. The basics, perhaps, but besides.. Nikki will be there. She can help me you know." I smiled. She was hesitating but she smiled and hugged me. I'll miss her, I know.

She lead me to the door. She's really not happy about this. But I really want to do this, I waited for this, for 15 years! So, I took the chance. She should not worry so much, I'll be there for just a month.

"Bye, Kent! I love you!" I am by the gate now. She's crying.

"I love you, Mom! I'll be alright!" She smiled.

"Be careful!" And I closed the gate. I sure am a momma's boy. I smiled at the thought. London, here I come.

Arauline's Pov

"Hello, Miranda. Do I have a tour today?" I asked her because I have a part-time job and it is called "tour guide". It's a fun job. You get to tour around London and learn different things.

This is just a temporary job because it's holidays. It has been my hobby after all. But my real job is being a fashion designer, I mean, I have a store of clothes of my own. Yes, I am rich but not rich enough because wealth is nothing if it doesn't have love. I am famous but they don't chase me. I find it funny though and I don't know why.

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