Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Phi Vu

Dinner was very awkward for the Wilding/Scott family. The silence was deathly and Ella was very eager to get up to her room, where she could think this bet over in peace. Ella sat on her bed and crossed her legs Indian style. Maybe this bet could be an opportunity for her, that is... if she actually tried. There were only two people that Ella could think of, that could actually help her do that; Alice and Valerie. Ella jumped up and grabbed her phone. She called Alice and then Valerie so they could three-way call. "Hey, what's going on guys?" Valerie's voice said through the phone.

"Guys, I just made the most insane bet with Damien." Ella answered quickly. Her friends kept silent, waiting for her to continue. "I bet him that I could get more dates than him in three months." She confessed with a sigh. Alice let out a laugh. "Well, Ella. It looks like we are in dire need of a shopping trip." She said her voice dazed. Alice always got like that when it came to clothes. Ella's eye brows furrowed in confusion, "What does shopping have anything to do with this?" she asked. Valerie let out a laugh; she had obviously got what Alice was talking about.

"Well, you are not going to get a bunch of dates by just wearing your regular clothes. You need a make-over." Val explained. Ella's eyebrows raised, a make-over was something that she definitely did not need. "I happen to like my 'regular' clothes." She sniffed, offended. Alice let out a huff of annoyance. "Yes, but you're going to need to really 'wow' the guys." She said. Ella rolled her eyes and mumbled a fine. Val let out an excited squeal that made Ella wince. "Yay, we can all go shopping tomorrow since its going to be Saturday." Then the conversation ended.

Ella went and got her journal out from the bottom of her closet, under her shoes. It had been the only place she had thought to put it. Damien was always coming into her room and snooping through her things she had to hide some of her more personal items. Ella cracked her finger and flipped through the book to an empty page. Every time Damien did something infuriating or rude, it went into this book. The entire thing almost all consisted of pure Damien. She wondered how flattered he would be if he ever found it.

Ella grabbed a pen and started writing down the day's events. After she was finished she hid the journal away again, then she began to watch TV. A couple hours later, Damien waltzed into her room as if he owned the place. "Hey sis." He greeted with sarcasm. Ella rolled her eyes, "What do you want now?" She asked even though she really didn't care. "I just came to discuss the terms of our bet." He stated as he came and laid beside Ella on her bed. Ella looked at him with disgust before standing up and sitting in her desk chair. "What terms?" She crossed her arms over her chest, annoyed by his mere presence.

"Well, I was thinking that... if I won this bet, you would be my personal Cinderella, as in my personal slave. You would do my homework, clean my room, oh and wash my laundry till you move out." Damien conceded with a smirk. Ella scoffed "And why would I agree to these terms?" She asked. "Because if you win, I will never annoy you ever again, I won't even speak to you unless needed." He stated with a shrug. This sparked Ella attention, no Damien? For the rest of her life? That was a miracle beyond all others. Now Ella was really determined to win this petty little bet of theirs.

Ella stuck her nose in the air. "Fine, I agree to these 'terms'. Now get out of my room!" She said walking over and tugged his arm, trying to pull him off of her bed. Damien grumbled something rude under his breath before finally getting off her bed and exiting her room. Ella let out a wistful sigh, she was so going to win this bet; even if it was the last thing she did.

The next morning, Ella was awoke by the sound of someone coming into her room, two 'someones' for that matter.  "Wakey-wakey, sleeping beauty." Valerie commented with a laugh. Ella moaned into her pillow, mumbling something incoherent. Then she lifted her head to look at her friends. Her clock plainly said '8:00' A.M. ,  why was she even up this early on a Saturday?! Oh yeah, because she wanted to beat Damien's ass in their little 'competition' of sorts. Ella sighed and get out of bed. As she passed her two best friends, she mumbled something like "8 in the freaking morning. I don't deserve this shit.".

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