01. how they met

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The fans screech and holler even more and more as the said band walked out, looking as graceful and as handsome as they are. Directioners, Direction-aters, you name it, were all there anticipating for their loving idols/”husbands” to look their way and give him a wink or smile.

“Man, this is sweet!” exclaims Louis, flashing a smile towards a certain direction.

“Hmm…” Zayn agrees, waving politely towards his fans.

To keep them secured, there was heavy security guiding the Brits towards their car. But the action seemed easier said than done, Filipino fans seemed extra energetic, lively and loud. Nothing could hold them back, to say the least. Hence, security was doubled and kept stricter than usual.

“Say, where’s Niall and Harry?” asks Liam after noticing that there was less than energetic vibes coming off from his friends.

“Oh, Niall’s probably taking a wiss. He’s been keeping it in since we flew over here.” Says Zayn, his response gave Liam an uneasy feeling, being that he’s with Harry and all. That can’t be good, can it?

As if reading his mind, Louis wraps an arm to his shoulder with an easy grin. “Psh, chillax Liam! It’s Harry we’re talking about here. He won’t do anything funny…yet.” Louis throws, keeping in his obnoxious laughter.

Liam sighs; he lifts his head to scan the area in attempt to find the nearest lavatory. But the only thing he saw were screaming fans, stretching over a mile. He sighed under his breathe.

“I hope you’re right Louis…”

At this, Louis’ smile widens and smugs. “Of course I am!”

“I sure hope they have at least one bodyguard with them.” Zayn mutters.

Man were they jinxed.


Niall should’ve known better than to pee before landing at Manila, he should have also known than to let Harry handle his drinks. Zipping his pocket, the blond sighed in relief, he made a mental note never to trust Harry with any more drinks. Washing his hands, he whistled a tune under his breathe, ran a hand through his hair before putting on his disguise; godly sunglasses, a red scarf, a false moustache, and a gray bonnet. A few things he borrowed off and kept in case of rabid fans.

When he walked out, he sighed in relief when absolutely no one recognized him. Instead, they were sending him awkward looks. He ignored it and began making his way towards a certain curly haired friend.

Once spotting his friend, he began to run. While he was running, he had not notice someone in his way and rammed straight into them.

She shrieked from the impact, immediately dropping her books and pamphlets in hand. Niall fell backwards, while the female in front of him fell on to her side.

MOTHER OF GOD!”  She shrieked. “Dude, tumingin ka nga sa dinadaanan mo! Ano ka ba? Tumatakbo ka sa isang publikong lugar?” she began, Niall paled a little. He had no idea what she was saying.

Raising his hands, he tried to calm her down.

“I-I’m sorry…I wasn’t looking…”

She sighed under her breathe, her anger dissipating, slowly picking herself up.

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